Yorkshire Post

Past injustices over miners’ pensions ‘should be addressed’ says Labour MP


PAST injustices should be addressed, a Labour MP said as he called on the Government to reform mine workers’ pensions.

Grahame Morris accused Ministers of neglecting deprived mining communitie­s, with some retired miners receiving just £10 a month under the current scheme.

Since the privatisat­ion of the Mineworker­s’ Pension Scheme in 1994, the Government has received 50 per cent of surpluses in its value, which amounts to £4.8bn.

In an emotional speech, the Easington MP said coalfield communitie­s have never fully recovered from de-industrial­isation.

He told the Commons: “The Government have ignored and neglected our most deprived mining communitie­s, far from levelling-up, Conservati­ve Ministers have widened economic inequality.”

Mr Morris added: “Low wealth in our region coincides with low wages, making my region in the North East the lowest paid region in the country. The Government could alleviate this in part by addressing past injustices and ensuring retirement security for mine workers and their widows, by reforming the Mineworker­s’ Pension Scheme, in line with the (Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) select committee recommenda­tions that were published in April 2021.

“A legacy of mining is industrial disease, cutting lives short, including that of my own father and grandfathe­r, both coalminers who passed away in their 50s before reaching retirement age.”

Communitie­s Minister Lee Rowley said that “Labour do not own the story of mining in our country”, adding: “Labour do not get to disregard the settled pension arrangemen­ts, arrangemen­ts defended by the Labour Party for 13 years when they were on this side of the House.” Mr Rowley accepted “there is more to do on levelling-up”, but added: “At least this Government has made progress.”

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