The Scottish Mail on Sunday - You

Christmas roast turkey


SERVES 12 pared zest of 1 lemon a few parsley stalks a few thyme sprigs 2 celery stalks, roughly sliced 5kg (10lb) oven-ready turkey, with giblets 75g (3oz) butter, softened salt and black pepper 250g (8oz) streaky bacon rashers (optional) CHESTNUT STUFFING 30g (1oz) butter 1 onion, finely chopped 90g (3oz) streaky bacon, finely chopped 375g (12oz) frozen chestnuts, thawed, or 175g (6oz) dried chestnuts, soaked, finely chopped 175g (6oz) pork sausagemea­t 3 tbsp chopped parsley 1 tbsp chopped fresh thyme salt and black pepper 1 small egg, beaten GRAVY 30g (1oz) plain flour 600ml (1 pint) giblet stock or chicken stock about 2 tbsp port, Madeira or sherry redcurrant jelly to taste (optional) TO SERVE bread sauce cranberry sauce bacon rolls chipolatas

Prepare the stuffing: melt the butter in a frying pan, add the onion and bacon, and cook until the onion is soft and both the onion and bacon are golden. Transfer to a large bowl, mix in the remaining stuffing ingredient­s, and leave until cold.

Place the lemon zest, parsley stalks, thyme and celery in the cavity of the turkey. Fill the neck end with stuffing. Put the leftover stuffing into an ovenproof dish and set aside.

Shape the stuffed end of the turkey into a neat round and secure the loose skin with fine skewers. Tie the legs with string to give a neat shape.

Weigh the turkey and calculate the cooking time, allowing 20 minutes per 500g (1lb). Arrange 2 large sheets of foil across a large roasting tin. Place the turkey on top and spread the butter over the bird, concentrat­ing on the breast in particular.

Season with a little salt and plenty of pepper. If you are using the bacon rashers, overlap them across the turkey, again concentrat­ing on the breast.

Fold the sheets of foil loosely over the turkey, leaving a large air gap between the turkey and the foil. Cook the turkey in a preheated oven at 220C (200C fan/425F/gas 7) for 30 minutes.

Reduce the oven temperatur­e to 160C (140C fan/325F/ gas 3) and cook for the remainder of the calculated cooking time (a 5kg/10lb bird should take 3 hours 20 minutes).

Thirty minutes before the end of the cooking time, fold back the foil and remove the bacon (if used), to allow the breast to brown, then baste with the cooking juices. To check if the turkey is thoroughly cooked, pierce the thickest part of the thigh with a fine skewer: the juices should run clear, not pink or red.

Lift the turkey on to a warmed serving platter, cover with fresh foil, and leave to stand in a warm place for 30 minutes before carving.

Meanwhile, put the dish of stuffing in the oven and cook for 25-30 minutes. Now make the gravy: spoon all but 2 tbsp of fat from the roasting tin, leaving behind the cooking juices. Place the tin over a low heat on the hob, add the flour and cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Add the stock and port, Madeira or sherry to taste, then cook, stirring, until thickened. Season to taste, and add some redcurrant jelly if you think the gravy is too sharp.

Carve the turkey and serve with the extra stuffing, gravy, bread sauce, cranberry sauce, bacon rolls and chipolatas.

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