The Scottish Mail on Sunday - You

Old English trifle


SERVES 8 1 x 400g can peach or pear halves 6 trifle sponges 4 tbsp red fruit jam 60g (2oz) ratafia biscuits or macaroons 75ml (2½ fl oz) sherry 3 egg yolks 30g (1oz) caster sugar 1 tsp cornflour 300ml (½ pint) milk 300ml (½ pint) double or whipping cream 30g (1oz) flaked almonds, toasted, to decorate 1 Drain and slice the fruit, reserving the juice. 2 Cut the trifle sponges in half horizontal­ly and sandwich the halves together with the jam.

Line the bottom of a glass serving bowl with the trifle sponges, and arrange the fruit and biscuits on top. Drizzle over the sherry and reserved fruit juice, and leave to soak while you make the custard.

In a bowl, mix together the egg yolks, sugar and cornflour. Warm the milk in a heavy saucepan, then pour it into the egg yolk mixture, stirring constantly. Return the mixture to the pan and cook over a low heat, stirring constantly, until the custard thickens. Leave the custard to cool slightly.

Pour the custard over the sponges, fruit and biscuits in the glass bowl. Cover the surface of the custard with a sheet of clingfilm, to prevent a skin from forming, and chill until set, preferably overnight (to let the flavours mingle).

Whip the cream until thick and spread over the custard. Scatter the almonds over the top to decorate. Serve chilled.

Combine the dried fruit, apricots, glacé cherries and brandy. Cover and leave to soak for 8 hours.

In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and sugar. Heat the milk in a heavy saucepan to just below boiling point. Pour into the egg mixture, stirring.

Pour back into the pan. Cook gently, stirring with a wooden spoon, until the froth disappears and the mixture thickens. Do not boil. Remove from the heat and leave to cool.

Whip 300ml (½ pint) double cream and the single cream together until they are just beginning to hold their shape. Fold into the custard with the fruit and brandy mixture.

Turn into a shallow freezerpro­of container and freeze for 2 hours or until beginning to set but still slightly soft.

Remove the pudding from the freezer and mix well to distribute the fruit evenly. Spoon into the pudding bowl, cover and return to the freezer. Freeze for 3 hours or until firm.

Remove from the freezer about 20 minutes before serving to soften. Turn out on to a serving plate, and spoon the remaining cream, lightly whipped, on top. Slice and serve at once.

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