The Scottish Mail on Sunday - You

Bitesize Candice reveals her biggest inspiratio­n, the best time to eat cake and the importance of lipstick in the kitchen


What’s the big idea behind your new book? The title, Comfort, says it all. It’s a collection of sweet and savoury recipes for food that soothes and satisfies, brings back memories and puts a smile on faces. It reminds me of the food I ate when I was growing up. What’s your favourite comfort food? I love macaroni cheese, which lifts my spirits if I’m feeling a bit low. In the book there’s a recipe for a chunky shepherd’s pie that I created for my partner Liam, which tastes incredible. And crumbles are good for the soul. Top tips for successful baking? Use really soft butter for sponges; when making pastry, make sure that everything is cold – even the flour. Who taught you to cook? My incredible nan. She made everything from scratch and as a child I used to cling to her like a limpet, watching how she did it. The two recipes in the book that mean most to me – Florentine­s and Boiled Fruit Cake – are hers. She died some years ago, but I owe it all to my nan, which is why I dedicated the book to her. Guilty pleasure? Chicken nuggets. Homemade, takeaway, from the supermarke­t, whatever – I love them. Last meal on earth? Chinese dim sum, which is a comfort food in its own way. My family always has it on Boxing Day. Most memorable meal? Rib-eye steak, truffled macaroni cheese, tempura pork belly, chips and a big glass of malbec at Cau, an Argentinia­n steak house in Cambridge. It was before Liam and I went to a Paloma Faith concert. Everything about it was decadent and perfectly done. Favourite restaurant? Rather than a restaurant, I would choose a street-food market. Particular­ly close to my heart – and the scene of such heartbreak recently – is London’s Borough Market. There’s one stall that sells the best gyoza [Japanese dumplings] I’ve ever tasted and I always have them when I go. Most useful kitchen gadget? I couldn’t live without my KitchenAid mixer, and everyone needs a good spatula. What did you have for breakfast today? I blitzed some frozen fruit to a sorbet-like texture and topped it off with Greek yoghurt. Food heroes? Keith Floyd, who I grew up watching on television, and Tom Kerridge, who invited me to appear at his Pub in the Park festival in May. I love everything he does. Signature dish? Whenever there’s a family get-together, I’m always asked if I’m going to make my black pudding sausage rolls. Which foods conjure up childhood? Roast dinners, macaroni pies – a Scottish staple, which I discovered on family holidays to Tomintoul in the Highlands – and cornflake tart from my schooldays. What would you make if you only had five minutes? A prawn stir-fry with loads of vegetables if I want something healthy; savoury parsley pancakes with cooked ham hock, cheese, mushrooms and a bit of garlic if I’m feeling indulgent. One thing that drives you mad about food? Small pudding portions. My heart sinks if a sticky toffee pudding or a chocolate brownie is served as a tiny little square. Food philosophy? Everything in moderation. I eat cake most days, but balance it by making sure I have a very healthy main meal. You should never deprive yourself of something you love. Most underrated ingredient? Smoked paprika, which adds a lovely background flavour to dishes such as shepherd’s pie, chilli, spaghetti bolognese and stir-fries. You’re famous for your lipstick. How important is it when baking? Absolutely vital! I’ve always loved lipstick, especially old-fashioned Hollywood red, and baking is the perfect opportunit­y to test out new ones. If they can survive the heat of a kitchen, you know you’re on to a winner. If you could have only one cookbook, what would it be? One I inherited from my nan called Farmhouse Kitchen II, based on a Yorkshire Television series and published in 1978. The fact that she used it – it contains some of her own handwritte­n recipes – means so much to me.

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