The Scottish Mail on Sunday - You

21.10.18 IN THIS ISSUE

- @ jo_elvin @ jo_elvin

I had the brilliant plan to sneak in a session at the gym before meeting my husband at a friend’s party. I’d swan in with a post-workout glow and a full redo – washed and blow-dried hair, fresh coat of make-up, the works. Oh, how smug I was feeling about Living My Best Life, finding a window in my diary where exercise and socialisin­g could occur so seamlessly on the same night. Slight snag in the plan: with a scrubbed-clean face and dripping-wet hair, I realised to my horror that I had left my make-up bag on my office desk. I am not the cool, confident woman you’ll find on page 60 in Vikki Stone, who has stopped wearing make-up altogether. I’m afraid I’m very much in the other camp: my ‘nipping out for a pint of milk’ face takes 20 minutes. I texted my husband to tell him I wouldn’t be joining him at the party. He thought that ‘I’ve forgotten my make-up’ was the stupidest excuse he’d ever heard; but the women he complained to at the party texted me in solidarity: ‘We get it’ was their general message.

Vikki’s approach is incredibly thought-provoking for so many of us. My husband often exhales impatientl­y, staring at the clock with exasperati­on, completely puzzled as to why he can be dressed and out of the door in seconds flat and I can’t. But it’s because the appearance standards for women are, as we know, entirely different to those for men. I grew up indoctrina­ted with all the overt and covert cues that it is just not the done thing to inflict my face in its natural state on the general public. Make-up can be that extra reassuring coat of armour that boosts our confidence – but we’ve also been conditione­d to feel that we need it. As I approach my 50s, I’m inclined to agree that I do. But on my summer holiday this year, I spent several hours every day make-up free. It’s bizarre to think how rebellious that felt.

I salute women who feel confident enough to greet the world with a bare face, but for now, please do pass me the foundation and mascara. And lip gloss. And blush.

Enjoy the issue.


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