The Scottish Mail on Sunday - You



SERVES 4 READY IN 50 MINUTES, PLUS COOLING AND CHILLING 400ml skimmed milk 4 large egg yolks 3 level tbsp sweetener granules 25g cocoa powder 1 level tsp cornflour 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 level tbsp granulated sugar

Preheat the oven to 150C/fan 130C/gas 2. Put 300ml milk in a saucepan over a medium heat and bring to the boil. Meanwhile, put the egg yolks and sweetener in a heatproof bowl and beat together until pale and creamy. Add the cocoa powder, cornflour, vanilla extract and the remaining milk and whisk together until smooth. Stir the hot milk into the cocoa mixture then strain it all back into a clean pan and whisk over a medium-low heat until the mixture thickens. Take care not to let it boil.

Pour the mixture between 4 x 125ml heatproof ramekins and place into a small, deep roasting tin. Pour enough boiling water into the tin to come halfway up the sides of the ramekins. Carefully slide the roasting tin into the oven and bake for 30-35 minutes or until the chocolate custards are just set but still a little bit wobbly in the centre. Carefully remove the ramekins from the hot water then cool, cover and chill for about 2 hours or until set.

When you’re almost ready to eat, put the sugar and 1 tbsp cold water into a small stainless-steel saucepan. Stir over a low heat until the sugar has dissolved and the syrup is clear. Increase the heat to high and boil rapidly until the syrup has turned a brick-red caramel colour. Quickly remove the pan from the heat and briefly plunge the base into cold water. (If the caramel sets on the base of the pan, don’t worry – just return the pan to a low heat and leave until it is liquid again.) Quickly drizzle the caramel evenly over the top of each brûlée – as soon as it has set (within a minute or two) everyone can get cracking with their spoons!

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