The Scottish Mail on Sunday - You


Who says tattoos are just for rebellious kids? The women here have bucked the trend with designs that mark the ups and downs of a life lived in full. They explain the significan­ce of their inkings


My tattoo, on the inside of my right arm, is of two feathers tied together with huayruro seeds – from a tree that grows in the Amazon and represents good fortune and protection in Peruvian culture.

I had it done when I was 35 after my focus had turned towards my wellbeing in my early 30s. I realised I was carrying suppressed emotional pain and sadness from my childhood and 20s; I felt numb, disconnect­ed and insecure. When I discovered shamanic healing practices life grew brighter and began to improve.

I made extended trips to South America, staying with shamans [spiritual healers] and indigenous tribes in the Peruvian, Brazilian and Colombian Amazon. I was freelancin­g so I had the freedom to go away then return to work between trips.

The main feather in my tattoo is from a macaw. In shamanism feathers are an important tool used to energetica­lly cleanse people, spaces and objects. The smaller feather is a magpie’s as I’ve been drawn to them since I was a child. Both birds are about communicat­ion and being brave and bold – generally I can be quiet, so for me they symbolise stepping out of my comfort zone.

The feathers represent my healing journey through shamanism. It hasn’t been an easy path but I’m grateful to have a better sense of who I am now and to enjoy my life more fully, so it’s been worth it.

I had mixed feedback from my family about my tattoo, but I always receive positive comments from friends and even strangers. It didn’t hurt even though it’s on a sensitive part of my arm and took about two hours. I’m open to getting another tattoo at some point but, until I feel moved to by a profound experience or event, I’m happy as I am.

‘The feathers symbolise my healing journey’ Venetia Clarke, 40, holistic massage & bodywork practition­er

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