The Scottish Mail on Sunday - You

I’m the only one who knows about my father’s affair


I am devastated because I suspect my dad might be having an affair with our neighbour. I am 22 and living at home after finishing university. On my way back from work recently, I was on a bus and saw him and this woman leaving a café in a different part of town. He was holding her hand, then he kissed her on the cheek and they went their separate ways. I could be wrong – my parents have always been friends with the couple next door and they are both really nice – but they looked very affectiona­te with each other. I’m really upset because I thought my parents had a fairly happy marriage and I don’t know what to do. Should I tell my mum or just confront my dad? I haven’t told anyone and I don’t want my parents to get divorced.

QThis is an incredibly painful situation for you. There is, of course, the possibilit­y that you are wrong and that there might be an innocent explanatio­n, and I really hope this is the case. But what if you are right? You are wise not to have said anything to anyone yet without knowing the facts but it must be eating you up. The first thing you should do is ask your father about what you saw. If he admits he is having an affair then you may have

Ato make an extremely difficult decision. I am sure he will be very sorry, worried about the marriage and devastated at the pain that this might cause your mother. He may ask you not to tell her, as it could lead to them getting divorced. If he is genuinely sorry and absolutely promises to end the affair then you might choose to keep quiet to avoid hurting your mother. However, this might be too big a burden for you – if she ever found out, she might be very angry with you and feel as though you have betrayed her too. So it may be that you insist your father confesses. I can’t, I’m afraid, advise you which route to take as both have huge implicatio­ns – but this is too much for you to carry alone and I strongly recommend that you talk to a counsellor (rather than a friend who may not be able to keep it to themselves) to work out what you want to do, and to support you if it does come to your parents’ divorce. Try Relate (, which has a young person’s counsellin­g service. I am sure you feel very protective of your mum and want to support her, but also try not to be too angry with your father, though I am sure you will be at first. Even if he is having an affair, it may not mean the end of your parents’ marriage – lots of couples do get through this.

I saw them holding hands, then he kissed her goodbye

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