The Scottish Mail on Sunday - You


A warming, filling salad that packs in three of your five a day


Merry Christmas! No doubt all of tomorrow’s festive meals are well-planned by now and I hope that they’re as joyous as can be. It’s in the period after Boxing Day and up to New Year that I find mealtimes can be tricky to manage. The problem is that I’m never really sure what I want to eat: I’m not quite finished with all the Christmas indulgence yet I’m also ready for lighter, more nourishing meals.

So I’ve come up with what I believe is a good strategy to get me through this short transitory period. First, breakfast is key. I’ve had enough of going to bed on a full stomach, so I’ll be aiming to eat bigger portions in the morning and less as I go through the day. Since I’ve got a bit more time on my hands, breakfasts will

After Boxing Day I’m never really sure what I want to eat

be warm, combining fibre and protein to set me up for the day. Kedgeree is top of the list at this time of year, though I also love roasted mushrooms on toast or porridge with stewed fruit and nut butter.

For lunch and dinner, the focus will be on veggies and pulses in a rotation of soups, braised dishes and simple winter salads, bolstered with leftover cold cuts, lean meats and cheese. The recipe here is a winter standby for me. I usually have all the ingredient­s in the house (though you could use any root veg or cheese), it feels entirely wholesome, and it takes all of about 5 minutes to prepare.

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If we print it here, we’ll send you a bottle of champagne

METHOD Preheat the oven to 220C/200C fan/gas mark 7.

Trim and scrub the carrots, then cut into thin sticks. Toss with 1 tbsp oil, season and spread over a roasting tray. Roast for 20 minutes, stirring halfway.

Meanwhile, drain the lentils,

rinse and mix in a bowl with 1 finely chopped shallot, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp red or white wine vinegar and 1 tsp honey. Season. the lentil mixture out over the tray and sit the carrots back on top. Roast for a final 10 minutes.

Divide the lentils and carrots

between plates and top with shavings of goat’s cheese. Some peppery rocket leaves or a generous handful of chopped parsley go nicely in this salad, too.

 ?? ?? Lift the carrots from the tray and set aside on a plate. Spread
Lift the carrots from the tray and set aside on a plate. Spread
 ?? ?? 400g can lentils in water
400g can lentils in water
 ?? ?? 100g goat’s cheese
100g goat’s cheese
 ?? ?? 4 carrots
4 carrots
 ?? ?? 1 shallot
1 shallot

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