The Scottish Mail on Sunday - You



This is based on a fantastic North African dish called chraime. Fillets of white fish are gently cooked in a tangy tomato sauce spiced with paprika, cumin and preserved lemon, then drizzled with tahini and torn coriander. It’s divine.


★ 4 tbsp olive oil

★ 1 brown onion, finely sliced

★ 5 cloves of garlic, finely sliced

★ 2 tbsp smoked paprika

★ 1 tsp ground cumin

★ pinch chilli flakes (or a few whole dried chillies)

★ 2 tbsp tomato purée

★ 2 x 400g tins of plum tomatoes

★ 1-2 preserved lemons, depending on size

★ 4 fillets or slices of white fish (hake, pollack, halibut, bass, etc)

★ chopped fresh coriander (or parsley), for serving


★ 1 clove garlic

★ ½ a lemon

★ 80g quality tahini

★ 5-6 tbsp ice-cold water

★ dash of ground cumin

1 In a wide pan, warm the olive oil, add the onion with a pinch of salt and fry until soft. Add the garlic and spices and fry for a minute or two until fragrant, then add the tomato purée, stirring to ensure it doesn’t catch on the bottom of the pan. Pour in the tinned tomatoes, rinse each tin with a splash of water and pour that in too. Break up the tomatoes with a wooden spoon and simmer for 10-15 minutes to thicken the sauce.

2 Quarter and deseed the preserved lemon(s), chop into small pieces then add to the sauce. I recommend adding the lemon a tablespoon at a time, tasting as you go to find the right balance – they come in many sizes and strengths, so you need the right amount for you.

3 To make the tahini sauce, grate the garlic into a bowl, squeeze over the juice of the ½ lemon, mix and leave for 5 minutes. The acidity of the lemon will relax the heat of the garlic. Pour in the tahini and whisk together – it will begin to stiffen – then add the water, a tablespoon at a time, whisking until you have a smooth, drizzly sauce. You want it to be quite runny. Season with a pinch of salt and the cumin. Taste and adjust with a little more salt and/or lemon as need be. Nestle the fish into the tomato sauce and season.

4 Cook for 5-10 minutes, depending on the thickness of the fillets, until just cooked. Serve immediatel­y with the fresh coriander and tahini sauce, plus couscous and warm pitta.

your water is properly boiling and well seasoned, then chuck in the pasta. Keep the sauce warm while the pasta is cooking. 5 When the pasta is ready, take out a mugful of the starchy water before draining the pasta. Add the pasta to the sauce and mix well, adding generous splashes of the starchy water and a drizzle of olive oil, until it forms a silky sauce that clings to the pasta.

6 Spoon the pasta into deep bowls. Tear the burrata in half and place on the pasta. Season the burrata with salt, finishing with some olive oil and a handful of basil leaves.

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