The Scottish Mail on Sunday - You


A new London cafe named after a courtesan? In a pocket of still-seedy Soho? Tom is game


Cafe Kitty at Underbelly sounds as Soho-sleazy as it comes. Albeit coincident­ally. Because despite its coquettish name (with shades of Tinto Brass’s Salon Kitty), and a nod to the area’s murky past (‘London’s dark underbelly’ etc), the café is an offshoot of Kitty Fisher’s, in Mayfair (itself named after a famous courtesan), above a theatre run by, you’ve guessed it, Underbelly, that renowned ‘live entertainm­ent’ outfit.

But it sits in one of those last pockets of old Soho, with the sex shops flogging ‘marital aids’, and the handwritte­n ‘model upstairs’ cards stuck to grimy walls at the bottom of shabby staircases.

All watched over by the nudgenudge, wink-wink neon of the Raymond Revuebar sign. It’s just past 2.30 on a glum Tuesday afternoon and the restaurant is all but empty. No real surprises there, as this is essentiall­y a night-time venue. Still, the service is lovely, the banquettes comfortabl­e and the food really rather good.

Devilled eggs, now ubiquitous on snack menus across the country, have an oozing confit yolk and a good whack of cayenne, too. ‘Very’ welsh rarebit (so named, somewhat puzzlingly, for its liberal use of Tabasco) uses sliced white

A good club sandwich always fills me with joy. This one’s a belter

bread, as is right and proper, is generous on the cheese, well browned and bubbling. There are croquettes filled with ’nduja and roquefort, a strident, spicy mouthful. And boneless buffalochi­cken bits, expertly deep-fried, with a buttery piquant sauce and a mellow, cooling stilton dressing. ‘Wings for people who don’t want to get messy,’ says my friend Joe.

He says I can have the line for free. Joe is a most generous man.

Scallops, plump, fresh and cooked just under, sit beneath a crunchy, herby, grilled Rockefelle­r topping. I think it works better here than it does on oysters but then I’ve never been a fan of hot rocks.

A good club sandwich always fills me with joy, and despite lacking any egg, this one’s a belter. Three layers of thin white toast with roast chicken, melted cheese and, best of all, a few slices of Pete Hannan’s magnificen­t bacon. You

can also order his ’Double B’ sirloin steak, for me one of the best there is. That’s for next time. Instead, we gnaw a couple of herb-crusted lamb chops, perky and pink, order another bottle of wine and gossip like fishwives, while Soho gets on with its business below us.

About £30 per head. Cafe Kitty, Underbelly Boulevard Soho, 6 Walker’s Court, London W1; underbelly­

 ?? ?? ‘On a Tuesday at 2.30 it is all but empty,’ says Tom, ‘but the food is really good’
‘On a Tuesday at 2.30 it is all but empty,’ says Tom, ‘but the food is really good’

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