The Scottish Mail on Sunday - You

‘I order dessert wine with my main meal’

The actor and Balmain model, 27, tells Scarlett Dargan about beers in the sea with Jake Gyllenhaal, her dad’s homemade wine and how she horrifies waiters in Italy


My favourite drink as a child was iced tea.

It’s much more popular in Portugal, where I grew up. I was never a big water drinker when I was younger. My parents would have to constantly nag me to drink enough.

The first time I got drunk was on vodka with my friends.

I was about

14 and went to a beach party in Lisbon. We convinced our parents to drop us off for a few hours, telling them all the bars were shut. When they picked us up, they probably wondered why we were so happy. Vodka is still the only alcohol I won’t drink now because I know that I’ll end up on the floor.

I had a great time with Jake Gyllenhaal [far right] shooting Road House [a remake of the 1989 classic with Patrick Swayze, showing on Prime Video now].

We hadn’t met before so he broke the ice with cookies that he’d baked himself. Shooting our ‘date’ scene made me laugh. We were meant to be sitting on fold-up chairs out on this shallow water drinking beers. But on the first day the tide was super high, so the beer cooler kept floating away.

When I wake up, I start the day with water.

If I’m trying to be healthy I’ll have kombucha for my gut. Then I’ll usually drink decaf coffee with almond milk. If I’m having a real coffee, it has to be an espresso.

I drink less alcohol than I used to, so I feel the effects quicker.

It only takes a glass or so and my muscles are sore and I’m nodding off. It’s quite common with actors in LA not to drink for health reasons. Most of the biggest names I’ve worked with are sober.

I’m not a huge wine drinker, but I do love sweet wines.

One of my favourites is Moscato, an Italian wine. Most people only have it with dessert, but whenever

I go to Italy I order it with my main dish, too. I’ve had a lot of waiters give me offended looks, but I don’t care – sorry to any Italians! It’s delicious.

My favourite cocktail is a piña colada.

The best one I’ve ever had was while filming in the Dominican Republic a few years ago – on my day off, not between takes! I was by the pool with [No Time to Die star] Billy Magnussen and he taught me what a cocktail float is [an extra shot that comes with a cocktail]. I thought he said flauta which means flute in Portuguese, and presumed he was asking for a weird straw. When I saw the cocktails arrive with an extra shot I was like, ‘Are you trying to kill me?’

The drink that reminds me of home is panaché, which is the Portuguese version of a shandy.

My mum still drinks it every time I go home because it’s much less alcoholic than normal beer. I have no idea why but she’s the only person I’ve ever seen drink it.

My father Antonio loves wine – and Portuguese wine is some of the best.

He tries to make it himself from his own garden, but it’s so bad. It tastes like apple cider vinegar. It’s become

an ongoing joke. Whenever anyone comes to visit he’ll offer them a glass and we have to signal to them not to take it.

If I’m drinking with the girls, my go-to Spotify playlist is called Fendace.

It’s the playlist Fendi and Versace played at their collaborat­ive fashion show back in 2021. Think ‘Vogue’ by Madonna vibes. I don’t go out clubbing much, so if I’m drinking I’m much more likely to be putting on a runway show with my friends at home.

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