Your Cat



Where possible, choose siblings or introduce unrelated cats to each other as kittens.

When introducin­g unfamiliar cats, keep them separated initially and introduce them gradually, beginning with scent swapping before progressin­g to visual access only, and then small, supervised periods of free access.

Consider the ages and personalit­ies of each cat and whether they are likely to be compatible. (For example, two very bold, assertive cats might clash, but a shy, timid cat might also struggle living with such types of characters).

Neuter all cats and ensure they are physically healthy through regular trips to the vet’s.

Provide cats with plentiful resources (food and water bowls, beds, hiding and perching places, litter trays, toys, and scratching posts).

Each cat should have its own full set of resources. These should all be freely accessible to the cat at all times and positioned in a way that one cat cannot block another cat’s access. Each cat should be able to access what they need without having to share with other cats or come into contact with them.

Free, unrestrict­ed access to a safe, enriching outdoor area can be very beneficial for cats. Ideally, provide access via a microchip cat flap and use high (or cat-proofed) fencing around the perimeter so that neighbourh­ood cats cannot easily enter the garden or house.

Provide cats with a calm environmen­t with predictabl­e routines and quiet areas where they can go to rest undisturbe­d.

Ensure handling and stroking is done in a way that the cat enjoys and that they are always free to ‘opt out’ of being stroked or interacted with if they aren’t in the mood.

 ?? Living with other cats can be stressful. ?? For more informatio­n on multi-cat homes visit: multi-cat-households/
Living with other cats can be stressful. For more informatio­n on multi-cat homes visit: multi-cat-households/

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