Your Cat



To keep your cat indoors, Cats Protection has provided a helpful list of essentials to help get you and your cat through those noisy nights — make sure you’ve got:

● A litter tray — if your cat is an outdoor cat, he will need to be kept in and provided with a litter tray to make sure he has a place to toilet. If he is an indoor cat and your cat seems to be comfortabl­e hiding out in one room or area in particular, make sure this area has a litter tray accessible.

● Food and water bowls — ensure he has all his home comforts near to him during fireworks.

● A place to hide (such as a cardboard box, cosy bed, or even a favourite cupboard!) — cats like to hide themselves away in a quiet, dark space when they are frightened or hurt, so providing lots of hidey-holes to give him the opportunit­y to hide while fireworks are going off gives him a sense of security.

● Toys or games to keep them occupied — if your cat has a favourite game or toy he seems to prefer above others and isn’t initially wanting to run and hide, try to engage him in play while the fireworks are happening. If he prefers to hide though, don’t try and coax him out to play.

● Use a pheromone plug-in diffuser — you simply plug them in where your cat spends the majority of their time (your living room, for example) and the pheromones help to soothe your cat during stressful times.Try using it a couple of weeks before firework season begins to see if it makes a difference.

 ??  ?? If your cat wants to play, this is a good way of distractin­g him.
If your cat wants to play, this is a good way of distractin­g him.

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