Your Cat

You’ve got four cats of your own who often feature on your channels.Tell us about your cats and their characters.


Fritz is my first cat who I adopted in 2008. He is one of the most calm and friendly kitties I’ve ever met. He’s like my shadow and follows me everywhere.

Kleine was the second cat who moved in with my girlfriend. She’s rather shy and a really good hunter. She is the only one of our cats that eats the mice she catches. She’s always in the mood for cuddling!

Lissy and Frederic are siblings and we adopted them in 2018 because Kleine and Fritz got along so well with each other. Lissy is really small for a Maine Coon and fast as fluff! She’s the cat that I take most action pictures of. She loves to run around in the garden getting chased or chasing the other cats.

All my cats can roam free outside.We have a huge back yard but Frederic is the only one who has a territory that’s bigger than our back yard. He’s an adventurer and loves strolling around at night.We can check his routes because he wears a GPS tracker.

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