Your Dog

Puppy shopping list


If you’ve never had a dog before, it can be difficult to know what are essentials and what aren’t when it comes to kitting him out for his new life with you. While you can go out and buy everything new, there’s no shame in looking for items in charity shops and getting a bargain from an online selling site. After all, your puppy is likely to outgrow or destroy many of the items you purchase for him in the first year of his life! Just take care that any toys you purchase are puppy safe, and don’t leave him unattended with them.


— it’s important that you get your puppy used to being groomed as early as possible, especially if he is a breed that will have a high-maintenanc­e adult coat. At this early stage, it’s about building positive associatio­ns with being groomed, so a soft bristled puppy brush is ideal, as it will be gentle on his coat.


— many puppies love having their own space they can retreat to during the day and feel safe in at night. Crates are also great for owners who want to make sure they know where their puppy is during the night, and that he is not getting himself into mischief. When purchasing a puppy crate, it’s important to buy one large enough for him to be able to stretch out in and stand up in when he is fully grown. You should place his bed and bedding in there, and a crate water bowl, which can attach securely to the sides without spilling the contents. Finally, pop in a couple of toys ready for his arrival.


— ask the breeder or rescue centre what they have been feeding your puppy, and make sure you have at least one bag of this ready and waiting at home. If you are happy with what they have been feeding your puppy, you can continue with this at home. If not, change over from his old food to his new diet gradually.

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