Your Dog



This is my Bella. I’m a childminde­r and she works with me. The kids love her. The best thing I ever did was get her; she is so loyal, causes no trouble, and loves to sit on her dad's knee (yes, all 10 and a half stone of her!). You’ll need to give your time, money and cuddles, and you’ll find these dogs are the best. Lynn Slingsby.

This is Barney, he is a ‘bog hog’! He absolutely loves mud, and will find it every single time we’re on a walk. A monster blaster is a must with a Saint! He loves nothing more than a mummy snuggle. Nicole McMillan.

I have only been a Saint owner for six months to my amazing Cali, who is nearly five. She is the most amazing dog – having only had German Shepherds all my life – she is fantastic. Fur everywhere, slobber, characterf­ul and loveable! She is a mud magnet and will play in any water, clean or dirty – but I love her to bits regardless. Angie Teale.

St Bernards are the most affectiona­te dogs I know. Miss Marnie will constantly nudge my arm for a cuddle, and she lets out a big sigh when she sits on my lap. They’re like big babies that have the mental capacity of a three-year-old, which makes them even more stubborn. She will cuddle everyone and anyone, and lays in the middle of a restaurant with her belly open to let everyone know she’s here for cuddles. She’s messy, drools and her hair moults everywhere. She loves exercise, and her favourite thing to do is to climb a mountain and sit at the top – after all, they were originally bred in the Alps! Very calm and docile, but get excited to see the people they love, with the occasional tantrum if they don’t get what they want! Keely Beth Robinson.

This is Kizzy, the fussiest hair monster going – she won't eat dog food and needs lots of attention. She loves mud, puddles and cuddles, and wakes me up at 3am most days just to be next to me. With all that said I wouldn't swap her for the world! Yvonne D.

This is Teddy – we adopted him. He is 20 months old. The most adorable, affectiona­te dog we have ever had. He loves kisses and cuddles first thing in the morning, and he’s so friendly towards people and other dogs. He is just incredible! Lindsay G.

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