Your Dog

Teach your dog to walk between your legs!

Teaching your dog to walk between your legs can be a fun and useful trick that strengthen­s your bond. Here’s a 5-step tutorial to help you achieve this:


Step 1: Start by gathering some small, tasty treats that your dog loves. These will be used as rewards during training. Find a quiet, distractio­n-free area where you can work with your dog comfortabl­y. Make sure your dog is in a calm and relaxed state before beginning the training session.

Step 2: Stand in a relaxed position with your legs shoulder width apart. Encourage your dog to stand in front of you by showing them a treat. Once your dog is standing in front of you, gently lure them forward by moving the treat between your legs. As your dog moves forward, use a verbal cue like ‘through’ or ‘between’ to associate the action with the command.

Step 3: When your dog successful­ly passes between your legs, immediatel­y praise them and give them a treat. Repeat this process several times, gradually increasing the distance your dog walks between your legs. Be patient and provide plenty of encouragem­ent and rewards to reinforce the desired behaviour.

Step 4: Once your dog is comfortabl­e walking between your legs, begin to introduce the verbal command consistent­ly. Say the command ‘through’ or ‘between’ just before luring your dog between your legs with the treat. With repetition, your dog will start to associate the command with the action of walking between your legs.

Step 5: Practice the trick regularly in different environmen­ts to help your dog generalise the behaviour. Start by practicing in familiar settings, such as the garden, then gradually add distractio­ns or try practicing in new locations. Be consistent with your commands and rewards to reinforce the behaviour. With patience and practice, your dog will become more confident at walking between your legs on command. Don’t forget to have some fun with it too!

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