Your Dog

Romeo, the hero


We chat to Steph Hartley about her very special dog, Romeo, who has been a true hero and has achieved so much in his life. From working as a Pets As Therapy dog, saving the lives of over 54 dogs through donating blood at the Royal Veterinary College, winning several awards from both the PDSA and RSPCA, and also raising money for numerous charities – Romeo is an amazing ambassador for his breed (Staffordsh­ire Bull Terrier) and is now up for an award with the Animal Star Awards!

Your Dog: Tell us about Romeo… when did you first welcome him into your family and how old was he?

Steph: I got Romeo unexpected­ly when he was six months old. I was browsing online, and saw that he was available! Immediatel­y, I knew I needed to have him. I was so worried he would get into the wrong hands and so I went to see him that day. He came home to live with us and our two sausage dogs shortly after.

Your Dog: What does Romeo love to do?

Steph: Romeo loves to play with his toys. He will get out every toy from his toy box and play with them all at once! He loves to pull the stuffing out and then throw the outside around. He loves exploring on walks and playing with his boomer ball in the garden. He is super energetic and loves doing the ‘zoomies’ too, but at the end of the day he loves kisses and snuggles.

Your Dog: When did Romeo first become a Pets As Therapy (PAT) dog?

Steph: Romeo became a therapy dog when he was three years old. We decided to get him into being a therapy dog because of the way he was with my nan. He was a crazy puppy (he’s still a crazy adult!), but as soon as my nan arrived, he became so calm and gentle, and would snuggle up with her. He seemed to know he needed to be quieter. My nan adored him and desperatel­y wanted to show him off to her friends at her assisted living home, but he couldn’t go in unless he was a PAT dog. So, we started training and booked the exam. Unfortunat­ely, my beautiful nan passed away before the exam, but I know she would have been very proud of him.

Your Dog: Did Romeo form any special bonds with the people he visited?

Steph: He built lots of bonds with so many people and loved all of his visits. He would make a real difference on the dementia ward of the care home. They absolutely loved him.

Your Dog: What encouraged you to sign him up to be a canine blood donor?

Steph: One of our sausage dogs, Shadow, was diagnosed with lymphoma, and had to have regular treatment at the Royal Veterinary College. As Romeo was so young, and I wanted him to get used to the vets, I started taking him along with Shadow. A vet nurse noticed he would sit patiently every time we visited, and one day came up and asked us if we would be interested in giving blood, as she thought Romeo would be a good candidate. We signed him up and had our first session a week later. We found out Romeo had the rarer blood type (negative), and he gave blood for five years saving about 56 lives. He loved giving blood and still gets excited if he goes into the Royal Veterinary College now.

Your Dog: What award is Romeo nominated for in the ASA awards?

Steph: Romeo is a finalist for rescue animal of the year.

Your Dog: At what point did you realise Romeo was so special? You must be so proud of him…

Steph: I am beyond proud of Romeo. He is so very special in every way. We realised how special he was very quickly, especially seeing him with my nan. Romeo is such a kind and loving soul. He adores everyone, and is such a happy and fun boy. He’s a fantastic ambassador for his breed and a fabulous role model. I feel so lucky to have him in my life, he is a truly amazing dog.

Your Dog: What’s he like at home?

Steph: Romeo is chilled, cuddly, happy to be around family, and playful too. Romeo is a crazy boy. He loves to play and to sunbathe! He loves doing the ‘zoomies’ everywhere and getting in all the beds in the house, and pulling all the covers off! He’s very vocal when he is happy, and loves chatting away to you!

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