Your Horse (UK)

Common causes of hindleg lamness


Lameness isn’t restricted to the front limbs, but if there’s a problem affecting the hind legs, chances are you’re less likely to spot it. “With hind limb lameness, you’re often never walking behind the horse,” explains Juliette. “I’ll often get a call where the owner has noticed a change in the horse’s performanc­e and they haven’t called about a lameness at all.” If you notice that your horse is suddenly struggling to perform movements that he found easy only a few weeks ago, it might be worth a call to your vet to check him over. “A common problem seen in performanc­e horses is proximal suspensory desmitis (PSD),” says Juliette. “This affects the top part of the suspensory ligament where it attaches to the cannon bone. It’s similar to a repetitive strain injury and appears over time. Along with changes when you ride, you might notice other symptoms like bucking, napping or him feeling lethargic.” PSD is generally caused by doing the same thing repeatedly, and is more likely with a weak hind limb conformati­on with long, sloping hind pasterns. Certain surfaces are also thought to be to blame. “Some surfaces have been made to give the horse extra grip, but this can put more pressure on his suspensory ligament. When landing during a stride, the horse’s foot needs to sink and slide forward to absorb shock, but some artificial surfaces can actually prevent the foot sliding forward.” Along with this, training your horse before he’s physically ready can have a big impact on his future health. “I see a lot of horses, like big-moving young warmbloods, struggle with this condition,” explains Juliette. “While the horse can be trained to perform exercises – like extension in their paces – when they’re young, it’s often before they’re physically ready. The horse naturally moves with expressive and exaggerate­d limb movements, but doesn’t have the bulk or muscles to support these actions. They can be damaged by repetitive or uncoordina­ted strain on weak and immature limbs. It’s best to delay training until they’re mature enough to handle it.”

 ??  ?? Train your horse on different surfaces to build his muscles
Train your horse on different surfaces to build his muscles

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