Your Horse (UK)



“Horses have a gastrointe­stinal system that has evolved and adapted for constant movement and near constant trickle grazing,” explains Sara. “Our use of horses as working animals has resulted in a change of management that limits both of these. Attempting to mimic natural feeding and movement patterns is the key to keeping the digestive system functionin­g well.” Horses with access to ample pasture will spend up to 18 hours a day grazing, creating a steady supply of chewed grass, while slowly moving around the paddock, which helps to stimulate gastrointe­stinal motility. So, where possible, regular turnout is the ideal way to ensure good digestive health. Other management routines to keep your horse’s digestive system moving include: Regular dental care to aid chewing. Feeding food damp and cutting fruit and veg into small pieces to avoid choke. Introducin­g any changes in management or diet gradually, to give the microbial population in the system time to adapt. Feeding small, regular meals, alongside high-quality forage. Controllin­g parasites by good pasture management, faecal worm egg counts and targeted use of appropriat­e wormers. If your horse is turned out on sandy soil, consider feeding psyllium as a supplement to prevent sand colic.

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