Your Horse (UK)

Take Five

The 21-year-old author of the Little Alf stories talks about sneaking Alf home without her parents knowing, why she doesn’t ride anymore and why bobble hats


with ‘Little Alf’ author Hannah Russell

How did you get into horses and do you still ride?

Unfortunat­ely, I stopped riding when I was 16 after having kayaking and riding accidents quite close together. I broke three vertebra and cracked both discs in my hips. If I try to ride now it’s really painful, but I’m determined to get back into it one day. I have four horses, though! Badger, a Welsh section C, Paddy, a gypsy cob, Pepper, a miniature Shetland and, of course, mini Shetland Little Alf who stands just 28in high. I first got into horses at six years old when I began having riding lessons and I’ve been hooked ever since.

Have you ever competed?

Yes and no. I’ve never done anything really high level, but I’ve done the odd dressage test and showjumpin­g class. My first pony Badger was never very well-behaved, so we were usually disqualifi­ed or getting told off by the judges.

Tell us about Alfie. What brought you two together?

I got Alfie, then eight months old, on 24 December 2012. I sneaked him into the stable at my friend’s yard without my parents knowing and did the big reveal on Christmas Day. Fortunatel­y, they fell in love as soon as they saw him. Alfie came from a local breeder near my home in the Yorkshire Dales. He has dwarfism, so couldn’t be used to breed from. Like most miniature Shetlands, he’s very cheeky and always causing mischief. Just after I got him, he escaped into my next-door neighbour’s garden and ate all their vegetables — I was mortified.

How did your books come about?

After my back injury, I had some time off college and at that point Little Alf came into my life. He gave me a new focus. I was spending all my time with him, so I decided to write a blog about his adventures. It grew quite a large following and made me realise how much I loved writing. In 2014, when I was 17, my first book was published, which was a great feeling. I’ve published five more since then.

What do you enjoy most about writing?

I love seeing the story come to life on the page. Alfie is my inspiratio­n for all my books and as we are together a lot, there’s always something to inspire me. Usually when I’m writing, I lock myself away, which is so peaceful. I have 14 pets — four horses, three dogs, four guinea pigs, two rabbits and a hamster — so it can be chaotic.

What’s next for Little Alf?

I’ve released a range of merchandis­e, such as saddle pads, notebooks, travel mugs and birthday cards. For the more adventurou­s I’ve also launched the Little Alf Trail, which starts in Leyburn in the Yorkshire Dales and follows the River Ure for 35 miles. It’s a scenic, circular drive passing waterfalls, historic castles, wildlife, craft shops and the all-important cafes. A great family day out. I’m also planning and writing more books.

Tell us about your bobble hats.

I have over 50! I think I love them because I usually have really messy hair and it’s good to hide it all under a hat.

What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?

Skydiving. I skydived for charity when I was 17, which was an amazing experience and the adrenaline rush was insane. I can’t have found it too scary though, as I’m doing another one in aid of Brooke.

“Like most miniature Shetlands, Alfie’s very cheeky and always causing mischief”

 ??  ?? Little Alf is Hannah’s inspiratio­n
Little Alf is Hannah’s inspiratio­n

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