Your Horse (UK)



“You need very little equipment for these exercises,” says Ben. “Just grab a headcollar, a long lead rope and a schooling whip. If your horse is really tricky, use a cavesson, but never a bit as you don’t want the control to be through his mouth.” Loop the lead rope, but don’t wrap it around your hand because if your horse pulls back quickly, you could be injured. The aim of all the exercises is to be able to move your horse’s feet. If you do that, then you’re his leader. You’re acting like a mother figure, which will reassure him. “Think about being a rock in a stream,” explains Ben. “Your horse is the energy that flows around you. He moves, you don’t.” It’s really important to be consistent. “Don’t be strict with your horse one day, but then not the next, as that’s unfair and he’ll never learn or respect the boundaries you’re putting in place,” warns Ben. You can do these exercises anywhere, any time. For example, if you’re bringing your horse in from the field and you think he might barge through the gate, work with him for a few minutes before you open it.

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Ben’s exercises don’t require any specialist equipment
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