Your Horse (UK)

Hoof cracks


Hoof cracks are splits in the hoof wall. Clinical signs: Deep or superficia­l cracks in the hoof wall. Causes: Trauma to the coronet band or hoof wall, irregular hoof trimming, uneven hoof balance, poor limb conformati­on, poor quality of hoof, poor diet and very wet or very dry conditions. Treatment: Treatment is aimed at preventing infection and limiting the spread of the crack. Remedial farriery using techniques such as filling, wire lacing and shoeing will help stabilise the hoof, depending on the type of crack. Prevention: Correct farriery, nutrition and hoof management. Preventing the hoof being exposed to extreme wet and extreme dry conditions in close succession.

 ??  ?? Cracks in the hoof become harder to manage in winter
Cracks in the hoof become harder to manage in winter

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