Your Horse (UK)



Cubes tend to be lower in starch than a mix with an equivalent energy level, but they’re not the only option. The British Equestrian Trade Associatio­n (BETA) has introduced a feed accreditat­ion mark to help customers identify those feeds suitable for horses prone to gastric ulcers. This means their starch and sugar contents are low enough that, when fed according to recommenda­tions, they will deliver very low levels, according to parameters identified by specific research. When looking at feed labels, ‘low starch’ would probably be 10–12% and below; ‘reduced starch’ 12–22%; and typical competitio­n mixes around 30% starch. As with so many aspects of equine nutrition, it’s important to look at the whole diet, rather than focusing only on one aspect or nutrient. This is when talking to an experience­d nutritioni­st can prove invaluable.

 ??  ?? Coarse mix tends to be higher in starch than cubes
Coarse mix tends to be higher in starch than cubes

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