Your Horse (UK)


Stephanie Anthony goes back to basics and discovers why working without stirrups works wonders


WORKING WITHOUT STIRRUPS is a great exercise whatever your riding level or discipline. It helps you to focus on your balance, and develops your awareness of your body and also the biomechani­cs of your horse. Understand­ing rhythm and how your horse moves is a fundamenta­l skill that all horse riders should master.

It’s always safest to practise riding without stirrups in an arena or enclosed space, but before you begin, make sure you warm up properly — this will prevent your horse’s back from getting sore.

Once you’re ready, take away your stirrups, crossing them over in front of the saddle so they don’t get in your way. If you feel unstable, using a neckstrap or hooking a finger under the front of your saddle can help you to feel more secure. Remember, though, that you shouldn’t be relying on your hands to balance. Instead, focus on using your core, straighten­ing through your back with your chest open, shoulders back and chin up. Carry your body weight through your whole leg and avoid taking the bulk of your weight in your seat or lower back.

Just relax

It’s easier to ride without stirrups in walk or canter, so get the feel of it and relax into your seat in either of these paces before moving to trot. Keep your head up, looking ahead with your body tall and your heels down. Absorb the movement rather than bracing against it — let your bum go like jelly! If you feel that you’re bouncing around all over the place, take deep breaths and relax your lower body. “Taking away the stability points — reins and stirrups — makes you more aware of your seat,” explains performanc­e analyst Russell Guire of Centaur Biomechani­cs.

“If you really want to improve your position, you can make a significan­t difference doing five minutes each day without stirrups so long as you feel safe to do so. Remember that you can also ride without stirrups on the lunge if you feel more comfortabl­e like this.”

 ??  ?? Riding without stirrups is a great way to improve your feel, balance and confidence
Riding without stirrups is a great way to improve your feel, balance and confidence SEPTEMBER 2020
 ??  ?? Givingita go? Tagusinyou­r photoson social media and use the hashtag
YHChallen gesYou
Givingita go? Tagusinyou­r photoson social media and use the hashtag # YHChallen gesYou SEPTEMBER 2020

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