Your Horse (UK)

Walk this way


QOn my test sheet, a dressage judge has written “horse must march and stretch more”’ in the free walk. My horse doesn’t march and prefers to put his head up to look around. What can I do to work on this? Annie Smith, Cornwall

Kate says... To improve your horse’s free walk, you first need to work on the medium walk. Walk is usually the most difficult pace to work on as it is so easy for the horse to drop behind the leg and lose engagement of the hindquarte­rs. It is often best to work on the walk initially while out hacking or riding in the open rather than in the school.

Relax…or don’t do it

Your first priority is to ensure that the horse is relaxed. If he isn’t, it might help to work him in trot, or even canter, until he is ready to listen to you. Once he is relaxed and paying attention, make some walk-trot transition­s, keeping the horse in front of your leg at all times.

Remember that when you are making a transition from trot to walk you need as much impulsion as you do to move from walk to trot. The same applies between trot and canter as well.

Quick, march

To get your horse to march more in the walk it often helps to ride out with another horse that walks out. If this cannot be done then you need to ask with your lower leg, giving the aid for each step while encouragin­g the horse to remain in an outline. Pole work will often help with this as well. Once the medium walk is starting to march forwards, you can work on the free walk.

Look out for the language

The first thing to remember is that the movement is ‘free walk on a long rein’, not a loose rein, and therefore there must be a contact down the rein. This does make it easier to keep your horse’s concentrat­ion and maintain the outline.

At first, do not expect your horse to stretch too much and for too great a distance, as he will need to gain confidence and learn to maintain his concentrat­ion. Again, pole work can help — gradually increase the distance between the poles, making sure that you maintain the increased length of stride after you have walked over the poles. The poles will often encourage the horse to stretch the neck and look forwards and down.

 ??  ?? Working on the walk out hacking is a good idea
Working on the walk out hacking is a good idea
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