‘Where did I put my..?’

Keep mislaying your purse? Forgot where you’ve left your gloves? Take back control with these simple tips

- By Lizzy Dening

Can’t find your keys again? Popped your purse down in a ‘safe place’ and forgotten where it was? You’re not alone! The average person loses up to nine things a day and wastes ten minutes hunting for them, with the most common items including mobile phones, keys, sunglasses, purses and wallets, umbrellas, bank cards and paperwork, according to a survey by esure home insurance. Here are our simple ideas to cut the frustratio­n.

Get the habit

Start by finding a proper home for the items you commonly lose (and eventually, for everything you own). Ask yourself how often you use this item, where do I use it the most and is there a better location for it? Are there similar things I need to store alongside it? If so, put them all together in one place. Say the name of the object when you put it down somewhere. It might make you look a bit eccentric, but it will actually help you remember where is!

Smart buys

Get a crate or box to keep in the hallway to store your seasonal items. That way, in winter you can grab your umbrella and gloves before you leave, while in summer you’ll never forgot to apply suncream or take your water bottle with you. Buy a pretty tray for the living room to store all your remote controls – no more losing them down the back of the sofa! Buy a bigger bag. It sounds obvious, but often when we lose things it’s because we’re carrying multiple bags. Consider using a hanging shoe holder with plastic pockets in each room. It’s a handy way of displaying things you need easy access to, as you can see exactly what’s in each pocket.

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