Thinking of making plans to protect your loved ones? Meet one lady who did just that by making a pre-paid funeral plan for her and her family


“As funeral costs are going up and up all the time, I decided I didn’t want someone else to have to pay out for the expense of my funeral”

When it comes to our last wishes, there’s no doubt that it can be a tricky subject to bring up with your nearest and dearest. But sadly every year many people pass away having never had that hugely important chat with their loved ones, leaving family and friends uncertain about what their wishes were and what they would have wanted at what’s already a very difficult time. Sitting down with those closest to you and involving them in setting up a pre-paid funeral plan will take the stress away from your loved ones when the time comes, as well as giving you the reassuranc­e that your wishes will be carried out as you want. Our trusted partner Avalon Funeral Plans – a registered provider of the Funeral Planning Authority – have a range of plans designed to suit every need, so you can enjoy the security of knowing your plan, money and family are protected. That peace of mind was exactly what Denise Washington sought when she decided to take out a funeral plan with Avalon, not just for herself but also for her husband and her two boys. Denise says: “I first heard about the idea of a funeral plan many years ago when my mum, who’s now 90, made a funeral plan. She’d had a really good experience with it and it had given her a lot of peace of mind so I thought I’d like to do the same. “On the day they came round to our house, they discussed what would happen and explained that things would be taken care of which I thought sounded like a good plan.” The fact funeral costs have risen by 8.3 per cent in the last 12 months* was also a big factor in helping Denise decide to make a funeral plan. “As funeral costs are going up and up all the time, I decided I didn’t want someone else to have to pay out for the expense of my funeral. And with a pre-paid plan this means the costs are controlled and no one has to pay out a lot of extra money later down the line. “I’ve since taken out a pre-paid plan for my husband and two sons, who are in their 40s too, which I pay towards in monthly instalment­s. “I feel so much better and have such a peace of mind for doing this, knowing no one needs to worry.”

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