
Astrologer Lynne Ewart predicts what’s in store for you this fortnight


ArIes MArcH 21-April 19

With venus retrogradi­ng, certain people are heading back your way, while plans with one person may be delayed. thought for the fortnight: Trepidatio­n is replaced by relief. For a weekly update call 09044 705700

tAurus April 20-MAy 20

As your own planet venus backtracks, look out for people getting back in touch when you least expected them to. thought for the fortnight: Try to heed caring advice. For a weekly update call 09044 705701

GeMINI MAy 21-June 20

The reverse thrust of venus could alter social arrangemen­ts and bring news of relationsh­ip status changes around your social circle. thought for the fortnight: There’s an informatio­n overload! For a weekly update call 09044 705702

CANCer June 21-July 22

This is a ‘tidy-up’ Moon phase when you could be completing certain projects, in preparatio­n for an April change-over. thought for the fortnight: A return trip could appeal. For a weekly update call 09044 705703

Leo July 23-Aug 23

The Spring equinox on March 20 increases your vitality, while Mars helps you to pour passion into achieving your goals. thought for the fortnight: Deals could shortly be struck. For a weekly update call 09044 705704

VIrGo Aug 24-SepT 22

you turn a corner as Spring begins, digging deep into your own resourcefu­lness, perhaps doing some wheeling and dealing, too. thought for the fortnight: There’s exciting news. For a weekly update call 09044 705705

LIBrA SepT 23-OcT 23

partners could be making changes or you’re freeing commitment­s up, ready to spread your wings. thought for the fortnight: An obstacle is overcome. For a weekly update call 09044 705706

sCorPIo OcT 24-nOv 22

The cosmos is regrouping and so might you be, with plans to change your life, maybe to improve your wellbeing. thought for the fortnight: Don’t rush what needs time. For a weekly update call 09044 705707

sAGIttArIu­s nOv 23-Dec 20

The backtracki­ng of venus could bring a past love into your life, or maybe you’ll reconnect with a great pal. thought for the fortnight: clear that diary – your social life looks busy! For a weekly update call 09044 705708

CAPrICorN Dec 21-JAn 20

Home life is lit up as spring begins, with a whirl of excitement around what’s changing in the family circle. thought for the fortnight: career-path decisions beckon. For a weekly update call 09044 705709

AQuArIus JAn 21-Feb 18

The advent of spring adds a ‘zing’ to your demeanour, as you plan a fresh chapter, possibly one involving travel. thought for the fortnight: new adventures tempt you. For a weekly update call 09044 705710

PIsCes Feb 19-MAr 20

There may be something official to tend, followed by a lighter feeling about your life, so persevere with that task! thought for the fortnight: resources could be being rejigged. For a weekly update call 09044 705711

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