Welcome to the heart of the magazine. If you’ve got a funny story to share, need to let off steam or have a picture you’re proud of – get in touch. You could end up on the UK’s biggest letters pages.

- Valery McConnell, Editor at Large email:­ine

Trunk call

My tenyear-old granddaugh­ter and I had great fun knitting the elephant hot water bottle cover from a recent pattern in Yours. We ran out of pink wool, so finished with a rather fetching two-tone. Elizabeth Howard, Essex

Screened out

I had to write after your recent article, The screening tests you really need. When you are in your 80s, as I am, and currently perfectly fit, automatic tests are denied you. I recently lost my 90-year-old, previously fit sister-in-law – she contracted shingles, which developed into pneumonia and she died, just like that. I rang my local surgery and asked if I could have the shingles injection and was told definitely no as I was over 79 years of age. It’s wrong that these precaution­ary measures are denied us. It’s as though we are being thrown on the scrap heap when we still have a lot to offer. Olga Woolley, Staffs

The big shrink

I was interested in your article about the number of sweet treats which are being reduced in size and content, and it’s not only food products. Last year you could buy a pack of five ladies’ briefs for £5 from M&S, now you only get four pairs for £5, a price increase of 25 percent! Stephanie Clarke, Reading Reducing sweet treats is not new, in fact in the Forties and Fifties, my uncle had an engineerin­g company which made the pressing for the cartons for Walls ice-cream. Every so often he would be asked to make the recess at the bottom of the tubs a fraction further up, thus reducing the amount of ice-cream in the tub. Although the reduction was only small, over the many thousands of tubs sold, the saving to Walls was great. These methods are a sneaky way of cheating the public. D Wise, by email

Pass it on

I have recently discovered Yours and enjoyed the article on passwords. I have a system for creating new ones using old addresses. For example, say I used to live at 15 Green Street in Colchester. The first part could be used as it contains numbers as well as letters and capital letters. If you need a reminder for new passwords, you need only write down the town. The address should come back to you easily when you see the town name.

Every original contributi­on published gets a £10 High Street voucher. So keep all those letters and emails coming in.

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