Picture perfect

Sew a scene of beautiful button blooms


Time: 2 hours

Skill level: Beginner

Materials: Bag of mixed yellow buttons (available from Hobbycraft) 1 pack of green embroidery thread Fabric glue Piece of grey cotton fabric 30x37cm (12x14½in) light yellow cotton thread Picture frame to fit a 28x35cm (11x14in) print

1 To begin you will need to draw an outline of the flowers onto your fabric (see picture for guidance). Do this using white tailor’s chalk, as this can be easily rubbed off if you make a mistake. Mark out the position of all five flowers (draw a circle) and stalks (draw a line).

2 Once you’re happy with your template you can start filling your picture. Cut five length of green embroidery thread to make the stalks and stick them in place with fabric glue.

3 Once the glue is completely dry you can start sewing your buttons on using the yellow cotton. Work from the inside out, sew buttons into the middle of the circle first. You might also find it easier to sew on all the bigger buttons first then add the smaller ones to fill any gaps.

4 Once you’re happy with your picture, frame it! Remove the glass from your picture frame (you won’t need it). Cut a piece of cardboard measuring 28x35cm (11x14in) and place your fabric over it evenly so that you have about 1cm (½in) of excess fabric hanging over the edges. Carefully place the cardboard wrapped in your picture inside the frame. Make sure the fabric is taut and creasefree before attaching the back of the frame.

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