Meeting Place

- email:­ine

Welcome to the heart of the magazine. If you’ve got a funny story to share, need to let off steam or have a picture you’re proud of – get in touch. You could end up on the UK’s biggest letters pages. Sharon Reid, Editor

The power of perfume

■ Reading a recent Yours article all about fragrances made me recall the time I decided to stop using my favourite perfume in the belief that it didn’t matter in old age. However I decided I’d start using it again for my own pleasure. Imagine my delight when my daughter visited, sniffed the air and said, “Mum that’s the lovely perfume you wore when we were children.” It made my day.

Eve Russell, West Mids

Remember the prune game?

■ Do any readers remember saving stones from a dish of prunes and custard and doing a game to see who they would marry counting the stones as Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor, Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief? Needless to say, fewer

prunes meant a better chance of a good husband! Carole Trevarthen, Camborne

What a sign

■ On a drive to the country we came across this sign.. and decided not to go there! Hazel Anderson, Leeds

Yours says:

Do you know of any other funny place names? Let us know at the Yours address.

End blister packs

■ Can something be done about the blister packs of tablets and pills – they contain plastic and foil which cannot be separated and have to go to landfill. We used to have our tablets and pills in glass or plastic bottles which could be recycled, which is better for the environmen­t. I try to be environmen­tally friendly and do not use aerosols or pesticides in my house or garden and encourage the birds and bees by having four birdbaths and two seed feeders, but these blister packs really annoy me and I need an outlet to do something to change them. Sheila Clarke, Hampshire

 ??  ?? ■ Every original contributi­on published gets a £10 High Street voucher. So keep all those letters and emails coming in.
■ Every original contributi­on published gets a £10 High Street voucher. So keep all those letters and emails coming in.
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