- 3. 4. 7.

This pretty patchwork blanket is ideal for a post picnic snooze

Time: 4 hours Skill: Intermedia­te


60x60cm (24x24in) of each of 9 different fabrics Scissors Sewing machine 60cm (24in) square Vilene stitch-and-tear White machine embroidery thread Free-motion embroidery foot 9 Coordinati­ng buttons Sewing needle and thread Coordinati­ng) embroidery thread 7.2m (8yd) crochet/lace trimming 1.8m (2yd) square piece of vintage bed sheet Daisy template (see right)

1. Cut each of the fabrics into nine 20cm (8in) squares. Arrange the first row of nine patches as desired, mixing up the fabrics. Place the first and second squares right sides together and stitch along the right-hand edge. Keep adding squares to the right-hand edge to create the first patchwork strip. Press out seams.

2. Use the pattern of the first strip as a guide for all the remaining strips. The pattern has been made so that the patches run in a diagonal pattern but you can arrange them as desired. Follow Step 1 to create all nine strips. Place the first and second strips together, right sides facing, and machine stitch along the bottom edge. Fold out and press the seam open. Add the other strips in the same way until you have a piece of patchwork that is nine squares by nine squares.

Cut nine squares of Vilene stitch-and-tear slightly smaller than the patchwork squares. Trace the daisy template onto each of the squares of stitch-and-tear and pin onto the back of one fabric square per strip.

Set up the sewing machine with embroidery thread wound onto the bobbin and normal sewing thread on top. Swap the straight stitch foot for a free-motion embroidery foot attachment. Stitch over the daisy pattern drawn onto the Vilene – this technique is called reverse embroidery and will create a couched outline effect on the right side of the fabric. Repeat for all nine flowers. 5. Stitch a button into the centre of each daisy and add some hand embroidery stitches as extra embellishm­ent.

6. Cut the crochet/lace trimming into four equal strips and lay onto the edges of the patchwork as shown, with the decorative edge of the trim facing into the centre. Place the piece of vintage bed sheet onto the patchwork, right sides together, and machine stitch around all edges, making sure you leave a gap (the length of one patch) open for turning. Turn the patchwork right side out and press in place then slipstitch the gap closed.

Text © Charlotte Liddle and Lucy Hopping. Images © Loupe Images/Claire Richardson

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Daisy template

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