I recently had a fall and fractured a bone. How can I improve my bone strength?


“A broken bone after a fall may be a sign that your bones aren’t as strong as they used to be and could suggest that you have osteoporos­is,” says Rose Toson, specialist nurse at the National Osteoporos­is Society.

“If you suspect you have fragile bones, talk to your doctor about a bone health check. This will review various factors which affect bone health, such as family history, diet and lifestyle and you may be offered a bone density scan. If your risk of breaking further bones is significan­t, a drug treatment may be used to help strengthen them and reduce the chances of further fractures.

“Post-menopausal women are most prone to developing osteoporos­is. Healthy living is important for building strong bones, so do plenty of weight-bearing exercise and eat a well-balanced, calcium-rich diet, stop smoking and limit your alcohol intake. Exercising is essential as you get older, not only to improve bone strength but to keep muscles strong, which helps prevent falls.”

Find out your osteoporos­is risk by taking a quick test on the National Osteoporos­is Society’s website or call the specialist nurse helpline on 0808 800 0035.

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