
Use this chunky cable knit textured lampshade as a pendant shade, or on a natural-coloured lampstand

Time: 1-2 hours Difficulty level: 3

Size: 25cm (10in) high with bottom diameter of 40cm (16in)


Pair of UK 4 (6mm) knitting needles

Wool/alpaca yarn such as 1x100g ball Creative Focus Worsted from Rowan

(75 per cent wool,

25 per cent alpaca) Large cable needle 25cm (10in) high flared lampshade with bottom diameter of 40cm (16in) Tapestry needle Elastic cord in colour to match yarn

NOTE: Use two ends of yarn held together throughout


Start: C6F – cable 6 forward; C8F – cable 8 forward; C10F – cable 10 forward; K – knit; lH – left hand; P – purl; rem – remaining; st(s) – stitch(es).


10 sts and 15 rows to 10cm (4in) over st st using UK 4 (6mm) needles


Main piece Cast on 38 sts.

row 1: P3, k6, p4, k8, p4, k10, p3.

row 2: K3, p10, k4, p8, k4, p6, k3.

rep rows 1-2 once more. row 5: P3, C6F, p4, k8, p4, k10, p3.

row 6: K3, p10, k4, p8, k4, p6, k3.

row 7: P3, k6, p4, k8, p4, k10, p3.

row 8: K3, p10, k4, p8, k2, turn.

Cont on 27 sts, 11 sts rem on LH needle.

row 9: P2, C8F, p4, k10, p3.

row 10: K3, p10, k2, turn. Cont on 15 sts, 23 sts rem on LH needle.

row 11: P2, C10F, p3.

row 12: K3, p10, k4, p8, k4, p6, k3.

row 13: P3, k6, p4, k8, p4, k10, p3. row 14: K3, p10, k4, p8, k2, turn.

Cont on 27 sts, 11 sts rem on LH needle.

row 15: P2, k8, p4, k10, p3. row 16: K3, p10, k2, turn. Cont on 15 sts, 23 sts rem on LH needle.

row 17: P2, k10, p3.

row 18: K3, p10, k4, p8, k4,

p6, k3. rep rows 5-18, 14 more times. Cast off.


Weave in all loose ends. Press the knitting gently, avoiding the cable sections, following the instructio­ns on the yarn label. Using mattress stitch, sew together the cast on and cast off ends to form a knitted tube. Using the tapestry needle, thread elastic through the knitting around the top and bottom of the knitted cover. Slip the cover over the lampshade and pull the elastic tight so that the cover perfectly fits the shape of the shade. Knot the ends of the elastic and trim them short.

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