Pete the polar bear JUMPER


AT THE SAME TIME Armhole shaping Continue working in st-st as set until piece measures 21(22.5:25:30:32:34.5)cm/ 8¼(9:10:12:12½:13½)in from cast on edge ending after a WS row.

Next row Cast off 3(3:4:5:6:6)sts, k to end. Next row Cast off 3(3:4:5:6:6)sts, p to end. 62(66:68:74:76:82)sts.

Next continue to work in st-st as set until piece measures 25.5(27.5:31.5:37.5:41.5: 45.5)cm/10(11:12½:14¾:16½:18)in from cast on edge ending after a WS row.

Neck shaping

Next row k26(28:28:31:31:34), turn, leave rem 36(38:40:43:45:48)sts on holder.

Next row purl.

Working on these 26(28:28:31:31:34)sts only continue as follows:

Dec one st as neck edge every row 5(5:5:6:6:6) times. 21(23:23:25:25:28)sts Next, dec one st at neck edge every alt RS row 6(6:6:6:7:7) times. 15(17:17:19:18:21)sts Continue working in st-st until piece measures 33(35:39:45:49:53)cm/ 13(13¾:15½:17¾:19¼:21)in, ending after a WS row, cast off.

With RS facing, and working on rem 36(38:40:43:45:48)sts, sl next 10(10:12: 12:14:14)sts onto st holder, rejoin Yarn B to rem 26(28:28:31:31:34)sts and k to end. Work as for other side of neck. Sleeves Stripe pattern for sleeves: Yarn (make 2) A four rows in st-st.

Yarn B four rows in st-st.

Cast on 36(40:44:48:52:56)sts using 3.25mm needles and Yarn A.

Change to Yarn B.

Set up row (WS) purl.

Rows 1-8(8:10:12:14:14) *k2, p2; rep from * to end.

Change to 4mm needles.

Work in stripe patt throughout the sleeve whilst working shaping

All sizes. Work 6 rows in st-st.

Next inc one st at each end of 5th and every following 6th row 4(2:3:0:4:4) times. Next inc one st at each end of every foll 8th row 3(5:5:9:7:8) times. 52(56:62:66:76:82)sts

All sizes. Cont working in st-st as set until piece measures 30(31.5:33.5:37:41:45)cm/ 11¾(12½:13¼:14½:16:17¾)in from cast on edge, ending after a WS row, cast off.

Join right shoulder seam.

Neckband With RS facing, using 3.25mm needles and Yarn B, pick up and knit 23(23:23:24:23:23)sts evenly along left side of neck, work across 10(10:12:12:14:14)sts left on holder at front of neck, pick up and knit 23(23:23:24:23:23)sts evenly along right side of neck, pick up and knit 32(32:34:36:40:40) from cast off stitches at back of neck. 88(88:92:96:100:100)sts

Row 1 purl. Rows 2-6(5:5:5:7:9) *k2, p2; rep from * to end. Next row purl.

Change to yarn A.

Next row knit.

Cast off using Elizabeth Zimmerman sewn cast off, see panel on page 67

(or a stretchy cast off of your choice).

Ears Cast on 7sts using 3.25mm (make 2) needles and Yarn A.

Row 1 (WS) and all WS rows purl.

Row 2 (RS) sl1, k1, m1, k3, m1, k2. 9sts

Row 4 sl1, k1, m1, k5, m1, k2. 11sts

Row 6 sl1, k1, m1, k7, m1, k2. 13sts

Rows 7-9 Beg with a purl row, work in st-st as set.

Row 10 sl1, k4, CDD, k5. 11sts

Row 11 purl.

Cut yarn leaving a long tail, using a tapestry needle thread through all 11sts and pull tight to form top of ear, the edges with fold in. Secure with sts.

Cast on 7sts using 3.25mm

Nose needles and Yarn C.

Row 1 (WS) and all WS rows purl.

Row 2 (RS) knit.

Row 4 ssk, k3, k2tog. 5sts

Row 6 ssk, k1, k2tog. 3sts

Row 7 purl.

Cast off.

Cast on 7sts using Yarn D and

Scarf 4mm needles.

Rows 1-2 sl1, k to end.

Change to Yarn A

Rows 3-4 sl1, k to end.

Repeat rows 1-4, 7 times.

Work rows 1-2 once more.

Cast off.

Scarf Cast on 7sts using yarn D and end 4mm needles.

Rows 1-2 sl1, k to end.

Change to Yarn A

Rows 3-4 sl1, k to end.

Repeat rows 1-4, 5 times.

Work rows 1-2 once more.

Cast off. Add a fringe using Yarn D.

Make Join left shoulder and neck up band seams, hold sleeves in half lengthwise and place stitch marker, use this stitch marker to line the centre of the s leeve cap with the shoulder seam, pin sleeve into place. Once happy, sew into position. Using the chart, embroider on eyes, nose, mouth and muzzle using duplicate stitch. Using the image as a guide sew on ears and scarf. Join side and sleeve seams. Refer to ball band for washing and further care instructio­ns.

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