Christmas Tree Pillow

Make a set of these pillows as a gift, with diffferent­ly coloured fabric and ric-rac

- Text © Photograph­y © Loupe Images/Polly Wreford

Time: 30 mins Skill: Beginner


■ 30cm (12in) square of light green wool fabric with the back made from two rectangles of light green wool, each measuring 30x18cm (7x12in)

■ Cushion

■ Silver ric-rac

■ Fabric glue

■ Scraps of decorated white felt for pot and ball motif

1. Using sharp scissors cut a square of wool fabric measuring

30cm (12in) square for the front. For the back, cut two rectangles of wool, each measuring 30x18cm (7x12in), to allow for the back opening. Fold a 1cm (½in) hem along one of the longer ends on each rectangle and sew in place.

2. With right sides together, place the two rectangles on top of the square, with the two hemmed sides slightly overlappin­g. Pin around all the edges. Stitch around all four edges, taking a 2cm ( ¾in) seam. Stitch over the overlappin­g folds of the back piece. Turn the cover right side out through the envelope back and insert your cushion.

3. Cut nine lengths of silver ric-rac to roughly the following measuremen­ts: 16cm (6in), 12cm (5in), 10cm (4in), 7cm (3in), 6cm (2½in), 5cm (2in), 3.5cm (1½in), 2.5cm (1in), and 1cm (½in). Cut the ends on the diagonal to stop them fraying.

4. Apply a line of glue to the back of the longest length of ric-rac. Carefully lay it on the fabric toward the bottom of the pillow about 7cm (3in) up from the base. Press flat using your fingers. Glue on the remaining lengths of ric-rac in order of length, each about 2cm (¾in) apart, to form a Christmas tree shape.

5. Cut out the pot shape and circular ball for the top of the tree from felt. Glue to the top and base of the tree shape and allow to dry completely.

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