Holidays under canvas


“We stayed on a small farm and had to go in pairs to use the outside toilet as the geese would let you in, but they objected strongly if you wanted to come out again.

“Meals were basic, cooked on our two-ring stove. Mum used to soak dry veg then add tinned stewing steak to serve with instant mashed potato. Dad

‘I refused to sleep next to my gran in case she rolled out of bed and squashed me’

always cooked breakfast which was either bacon sandwiches or eggy beans (scrambled egg and beans cooked in the same pan). It was food we wouldn’t dream of eating at home, but it tasted great.” A motorbike and sidecar were also the mode of transport for Barbara Bourne and her parents: “We set off with me on the pillion and Mum wedged in the sidecar surrounded by the tent, pots and pans, stove, clothes and bedding.”

When their campsite was flooded after a storm and the bike wouldn’t start, the family was forced to return by train: “We packed the soaking wet tent and all our belongings in the sidecar and wore as much of our clothing as possible. We had to cross London on the tube then take a bus home to Essex. I can only imagine what people thought of this weird trio wearing so many clothes in the summer heat.”

Cornwall was the destinatio­n for Julia Newsome with her mum, dad and sister: “The Austin was packed with the tent, fold-up chairs and a table my father had made. Mum even took a flat iron – standards must be kept up!

“We camped at various sites along the route. One site, a farmer’s field near Cheddar Gorge, was very hilly. On waking the next morning, we found we had all rolled down to the bottom of the tent.”

Oops – what a good thing they didn’t have Pat Crook’s large grandma with them!

■ More tales of camping holidays in the next issue, out on July 14

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