Whether you’re concerned about a loved one living alone or want to future-proof your own independen­ce, a personal alarm service could make a big difference


We all want to know that our W loved ones are keeping safe and well, especially during these unpreceden­ted times when we cannot see them as we would like. Chats on the phone or calls over video are a great source of comfort but of course what would be even better is to know that there’s always someone there to help them should something happen, especially if your loved one is living alone.

Alternativ­ely, if you’re the person living on your own, you might want to find a way of letting concerned family and friends know that there’s no need to worry and that you’re safe and sound.

Handily, Eldercare offer a range of tailormade services that support your loved ones, meaning you’ve one less thing to worry about.

Eldercare’s personal alarm service offers immediate peace of mind by giving you or your loved ones an easy-to-use pendant alarm that can be worn like a necklace, on your wrist or clipped to your waistband. If you’re feeling unwell, anxious or need help in some way, there’s no numbers to remember or dial. Simply press a button and you’ll be connected to helpful, friendly staff, any time, day or night.

This means you can get the help you need immediatel­y, and it could avoid undue upset or a hospital admission – something that’s more important than ever in the current situation.

Uniquely, expert care advice comes as complement­ary to Eldercare personal alarm users and their families. This service covers all aspects of care and is providing up to the minute informatio­n on care during the current crisis.

In fact, during the coronaviru­s pandemic, Eldercare have been there acting as the first point of contact between service users and services such as NHS 111 and the emergency services. With that in mind and the fact we’ve all been having to get used to staying away from many family and friends, there’s perhaps never been a better time to think about putting Eldercare services in place.

Take the story of Anne (84) from Manchester. When her husband suddenly had a fall, she knew he wasn’t hurt, but also that she wouldn’t be able to pick him up on her own. “The lovely people from Eldercare were here in minutes,” she says. “They checked that he was okay, then got him back on his feet...they even made us a cup of tea. We were so glad that they were there, as without them I would have had to call an ambulance.”

In a free, no-obligation telecare assessment over the phone, Eldercare can discuss the kind of package that works best for you or your loved ones. All the services are easy-to-use and affordable, e.g. the Eldercare Personal Alarm service costs just £1.80 (exc VAT) per week

– a small price to pay, even less than household or pet insurance, but for great peace of mind in protecting your wellbeing. Many services also work automatica­lly, so there’s no need for complicate­d instructio­ns and often they can be set up the next day after ordering.

■ To find out more about Eldercare’s services, or to ask for your FREE Yours guide to helping loved ones live independen­tly, please call

0345 603 4576 or visit

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