ZZAP! 64



Dear Lloyd,

Firstly it's great to have you (and the rest of the Zzap team) back, I was an avid reader of all the Zzap C64 goodness back in the 80s before my head was turned by the Amiga.

Secondly I've a confession to make — I'm a complete fraud, I've never owned (or even played anything on) a real C64, all my experience­s are emulated. From playing on my older brother's C64 emulator back in the

1980s (he called it a C128), to the C64DTV sometime in the Noughties, and my current setup of Retropie for joystick based games or whipping out the big one (ooh-eeer), the C64 Maxi, for anything that involves frequent keyboard use, I've never once experience­d the ‘real' thing. And given that I don't fancy inflicting five minute load times or trying to hook a real C64 up to a modern TV on myself, I probably never will!

Anyway had to get that off my chest, but mum's the word, if anyone asks I'm using an original C64 & datasette with a Quickshot II joystick on a 40 year old CRT TV.


Mark, Dublin


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