Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Four shift presidenti­al planning into high gear

Gillibrand reaches out to women for roles in campaign

- By Lisa Lerer and Alexander Burns New York Times

Sen. Kamala Harris, Dcalif., is eyeing Baltimore or Atlanta as a possible base of operations for her likely 2020 presidenti­al bid and is close to bringing on a top aide to run her campaign.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-mass., has completed a detailed review of her writings and political record to identify potential vulnerabil­ities, and her aides have been scouting headquarte­rs near Boston.

Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., has been interviewi­ng possible campaign managers, as well as strategist­s who could run his Iowa caucus effort.

And Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., has been reaching out to more women than men for campaign roles, though she is expected to pick a man — her current top aide — to manage a campaign likely to be based near her upstate New York home.

These four high-profile Democratic senators are poised to enter the 2020 presidenti­al race in the next several weeks, advisers and people briefed by their associates say, after spending December finalizing the outlines of their political operations, selecting top campaign staff and conducting research into their own political weak spots. In some cases, they may first announce the creation of presidenti­al explorator­y committees to ramp up their fundraisin­g and hiring efforts, before launching their candidacie­s more formally.

The speed of the senators’ efforts reflects intense political pressure to establish themselves as leading candidates in a Democratic field that could get crowded, fast. All four are likely to spend considerab­le time and money in 2019 competing with one another to answer the strong yearning from Democrats for new leadership, and they don’t want to lose a step to a rival fresh face, such as Rep. Beto O’rourke, the former Texas Senate candidate who has been the focus of intense speculatio­n in recent weeks as a potential presidenti­al candidate.

“Between the first of January and the middle of February, it would not surprise me for us to see six to eight people say, ‘I’m jumping in,’” said Jaime Harrison, a former South Carolina Democratic Party chairman who now serves as associate chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

For the Senate foursome, moving quickly into the race is also a pre-emptive effort to undercut the early advantages of a duo of universall­y known contenders, former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who may enter the race in the coming months. Biden and Sanders would start off with important advantages, including networks of support among early-state activists and party donors, and the stature to generate impressive displays of support at early rallies.

But as white men, Biden, Sanders and O’rourke do not reflect the gender and racial diversity of many Democratic candidates and swaths of the electorate that dominated the 2018 midterms. Harris, Warren, Gillibrand and Booker, by contrast, would instantly make the 2020 Democratic field the most diverse array of presidenti­al candidates in history. And they might well scramble the early polling leads held by Biden and Sanders, who benefit from strong name recognitio­n but would be in their late 70s by Election Day 2020, at a moment when some in the party are agitating for generation­al change.

The four senators hope jumping into the race early will give them some organizati­onal advantages in a contest that will almost certainly grow to more than a dozen candidates.

Already, at least two of the senators have nearly settled on close political lieutenant­s to serve as campaign managers, turning to male aides with whom they have deep and trusting personal relationsh­ips. Gillibrand is eyeing Jess Fassler, her current top aide, who is leaving his role in the Senate early in 2019, as a leading contender to manage her campaign. Harris is expected to name Juan Rodriguez, who helmed her campaign for the Senate in 2016, as her manager.

In a further sign of how developed her plans are, Harris’ aides are close to selecting Baltimore or Atlanta for her headquarte­rs, according to people who have met with her team.

She is likely to maintain a sizable office on the West Coast, perhaps in her native Oakland, but her political advisers have concluded that for practical reasons it is essential that she have a base in the Eastern Time zone.

Warren is expected to install Dan Geldon, her former chief of staff, in a senior role directing campaign strategy. She has a head start on staffing: During the midterm campaign, Warren deployed staff to the four early primary states and a number of general election battlegrou­nds to elect other Democrats. Many of those organizers stayed involved after her reelection, leaving her with a staff of several dozen total.

To keep those staffers employed into 2019, Warren needs to raise campaign dollars — a situation that places pressure on her to quickly jump into the race.

Like Warren, Harris has completed a substantia­l research project into her own political vulnerabil­ities, people in touch with their advisers said.

Booker and his chief of staff, Matt Klapper, have interviewe­d a number of potential campaign managers in recent months, according to people who have spoken with his team. Addisu Demissie, who managed Booker’s first Senate race and led Gavin Newsom’s campaign for governor of California this year, is most widely mentioned as a presidenti­al campaign manager, and has been advising Booker on other potential hires.

Booker’s team has also been in touch with Democratic operatives in Iowa for leadership roles there. He’s expected to base his campaign in Newark, N.J., where he served as mayor. Steve Phillips, an influentia­l San Francisco-based Democratic donor, says he’s already collected $4 million to fund a new super PAC to boost Booker’s expected campaign.

The number of male operatives under considerat­ion for campaign manager posts has raised concerns among some female Democratic strategist­s who hoped the diversity of the 2020 field would prompt more hiring of female and minority staffers for senior roles.

“You have to have a diverse leadership team, and that, more than anything, is something that these campaigns have to be paying attention to,” said Anne Caprara, a Democratic operative who is now working as chief of staff to incoming Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois, after running his campaign. “When it comes to women and women of color, so many of them are going to want to see that the candidate is not just hiring women but really paying attention to them when they’re giving advice.”

The focus on staff diversity reflects not only the influence of the #Metoo movement on Democratic politics but the demands of a party that has shifted to the left during the Trump era, as well as a changing primary map. While the predominan­tly white states of Iowa and New Hampshire will still technicall­y host the first nominating contests, an increase in the popularity of early voting means Democrats will begin casting ballots in more diverse states like California and Georgia during those early elections.

Those close to the four senators caution that no decisions on hiring and organizing will be made until the politician­s make a final call about jumping into the race.

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elizabeth Warren

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