Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Time to clean out medicine cabinet


DEAR READERS: The end of the year is a good time to go through your medicine cabinet. Examine everything that is inside. Reorganize all items by use. That way what you use more often — like toothpaste, mouthwash or bandages — will be on the most accessible bottom shelf.

Cold medicines should be higher up. Be sure the labels can be read easily. After this is done, take time to go through all your medication­s.

Read the labels and throw out: ■ Medication­s that have expired. ■ Capsules that are stuck together.

■ Liquid medication that has come apart.

■ Tablets that smell funny or are cracked or discolored.

■ All bottles that don’t have labels.

Store medication­s in a cool, dry spot away from children and pets.

DEAR HELOISE: We use plenty of duct tape in our house. It’s great for so many things, but taking it off is such a task, and it leaves a sticky residue. How can I get it off more easily?

— Helen in South Carolina

DEAR HELEN: Do the following to get rid of the residue:

■ Pour a small amount of vegetable or baby oil onto your hands. Rub your fingers into the sticky areas. Allow the oil to remain on for about 30 minutes.

■ Pat cornmeal into the oil and rub in a circular motion — counterclo­ckwise and then clockwise — until the residue balls up. Then use a plastic scrubber to lift it off.

DEAR HELOISE: Someone, who shall remain nameless, put a hot paper plate on our dining room table, right on the top, and it left an unattracti­ve mark. Help! How can I remove it?

— Tammy in Kansas

DEAR TAMMY: This is such a common question. Here’s what you can do to remove it.

1. Make this mixture to use on the marks if the wood is finished (not on raw wood). Combine equal parts of regular, white and non-gel toothpaste and baking soda. Lightly dampen a white cloth with water and dip it into the paste.

2. Rub marks carefully in a circular motion. Then wipe with a clean cloth and buff until the surface shines. If you cannot get marks off, they might have gone through the wood, and the table might have to be refinished.

Write to P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000.

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