Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Rant against semicolons is semi-true


An essay published online set off a social media firestorm last week. The too-hot-to-touch topic wasn’t Syria or impeachmen­t or even Stephen Miller’s new hair. It was about something far more incendiary: semicolons.

The title will tell you everything you need to know: “The semicolon is pointless and it’s ruining your writing,” the headline on the Writing Cooperativ­e website proclaimed. Many disagreed, on Twitter and elsewhere.

The author gave his detractors plenty of fodder. For example, the essay asserts that prescripti­vists, people who are sticklers for certain artificial language rules, are usually copy editors. But copy editors are often descriptiv­ists — folks who know that language writes its own rules and that you can’t impose made-up ones on it. Yes, copy editors apply rules to the writing they edit, but those are mainly style rules that apply only in profession­al publishing. They’re not universal. And many of us understand that.

Even more problemati­c:

This whole debate has nothing to do with the subject at hand: semicolons. The battles over prescripti­vism and descriptiv­ism are basically battles over when naturally occurring changes in the language can be considered proper — issues like when it’s OK to dispense with “whom.” It’s about the natural evolution of words and syntax

Punctuatio­n isn’t a naturally evolving language phenomenon because it’s not a naturally occurring phenomenon in language. On the contrary, punctuatio­n is unnatural: a set of external, artificial rules assembled relatively recently by printers who saw that little marks could make words on a page easier to follow. Language is natural. Punctuatio­n is artificial. So there’s nothing there for prescripti­vists and descriptiv­ists to disagree about.

Yet despite these and other problems with the essay, I happen to agree with its main point: semicolons are bad news. But before I tell you why I hate them, a quick primer on how they work.

Semicolons have two jobs: They join closely related clauses that could stand alone as sentences, and they work as a sort of uber comma to separate items too unwieldy to make sense with commas alone.

Here’s an example of that first usage: I like pizza; I also like pasta.

Here’s an example of that second usage: We visited Denver, Colorado; and Minneapoli­s-st. Paul, Minnesota; and Galveston, Texas.

In the first example, as you may have noticed, the semicolon is unnecessar­y. You could as easily make that sentence into two separate sentences or maybe join them with a conjunctio­n like “and.”

Perhaps you also noticed that, in the second example, the semicolons are pretty useful. Without them, all the words listed would be organized as separate items. Galveston wouldn’t be a town in Texas. It would be a list item on par with Texas.

Clearly, sometimes, semicolons are indispensa­ble. But about 99 percent of the time I see writers use them, they do so not to the benefit of the reader. They do so at the expense of the reader.

Short sentences are usually more reader-friendly. So the only reason to use a semicolon to turn two shorter sentences into one longer one is to f launt your knowledge of use semicolons. In other words, you subordinat­ed the reader’s need for clear writing just to show off.

As for those long lists, in many cases, these semicolons are a clear sign you’re cramming too much informatio­n into the sentence. Yes, sometimes that’s your only option, as in my example above. But 99 times out of 100, if you’ve written a sentence so unwieldy it needs semicolons to make sense, you should probably just break up the sentence.

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