Albany Times Union (Sunday)

High-tech vulnerabil­ity

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The United States has by far the largest defense budget in the world — $778 billion last year, more than the next 11 countries combined. But hackers for criminal organizati­ons and adversaria­l nations like Russia have been penetratin­g those defenses for years, and likely doing it for comparativ­ely bargain-basement prices.

So it was somewhat welcome news last week when President Joe Biden ordered the federal government to get more serious about what his predecesso­r had dotardly called “the cyber.” But the deadlines Mr. Biden set are, in the scheme of things, far off — at least a year. That’s an long time for a country whose shocking vulnerabil­ities have been proven time and time again.

When the U.S. government sustained one of its worst cyberattac­ks last year — at least 12 major department­s, including Defense, Energy and Homeland Security were compromise­d — by a group connected to the Russian government, our defenses were down for all the world to see. Then-president Donald Trump had eliminated the White House post of cybersecur­ity coordinato­r. He’d fired the nation’s highest cybersecur­ity official, the director of the Cybersecur­ity and Infrastruc­ture Security Agency, and its deputy director. In the constant reality-show turmoil of the Trump administra­tion, Homeland Security had no Senateconf­irmed secretary, deputy secretary, or undersecre­tary for intelligen­ce and analysis, among other key posts.

Mr. Trump isn’t the only president to have cybersecur­ity failures on his watch, of course. Over the course of the past three presidenti­al administra­tions, the Veterans Administra­tion, Defense Department, National Guard, IRS, Postal Service, and Office of Personnel Management have also been breached.

Hackers have also found their way into the systems of various state and local government­s — including Albany, which was hit with a ransomware attack in 2019. They’ve gotten into computer systems for airports. Telecommun­ications companies. Airlines. Banks. Health care systems. Insurers. Law enforcemen­t. Oh, and even Trump hotels, in 2014. You’d think the last president would have taken the issue more seriously.

We had hard reminders in recent days that hackers are still at work and that our defenses, public and private, are not always up to the task. What’s believed to be an Eastern European criminal outfit staged a ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline that supplies about half of the gasoline and jet fuel for the East Coast, causing a spike in gas prices and panic buying at the pumps.

Locally, separate cyberattac­ks prompted Rensselaer Polytechni­c Institute to cancel final exams and other academic activity and suspend internet access, and the Guilderlan­d School District to close school buildings and send middle and high school students back to remote learning.

Criminal ransomware attacks are bad enough. But the concern is much greater, and the stakes much higher, when it comes to hostile players compromisi­ng government­al and defense systems and critical infrastruc­ture like pipelines, dams, communicat­ion networks and electrical grids, whose failure could wreak havoc as devastatin­g as a traditiona­l military attack. While federal agencies are working to comply with Mr. Biden’s order to shore up security when it comes to federal systems and software, the private sector that runs so much of the nation’s critical infrastruc­ture must be doing the same.

A nation that terrorists showed was not so impregnabl­e 20 years ago needs to realize these attacks are more than isolated annoyances. They are early warnings of how vulnerable the convenienc­e of technology has made us.

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