Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Working from home can change perception­s

- By Tracy Brown Hamilton

Years ago, a friend of mine, at the time a clothing designer for the snowboardi­ng line of an athletic apparel company, was working from home. Her then 7-year-old-son saw her at her laptop, and asked what she was doing. She said she was working. "No, you're not." He was defiant. "You're a profession­al snowboarde­r." That is what he had understood her to be and, in an instant, a pretty cool profession became a disappoint­ment.

Fast-forward to now, when the pandemic has forced many people to work from home. The concept of being in the same physical space among actual colleagues borders on anachronis­tic in 2021. For those with children, there's been an additional adjustment. Before schools reopened in the Netherland­s, where we live, my dining room table was littered with the school books and laptops of my three children, with my husband or me at the helm, trying to do our own work.

It was disruptive, but it was also interestin­g to see the work my children are doing and to observe how

they work.

At the same time, my children have been equally observing what my husband and I do during the day — which, as with my friend's son years ago, has exposed some misconcept­ions. While they have always had some understand­ing of what my husband and I do for a living, our working life before COVID was a fraction of how they experience­d us. How has watching us work every day impacted how they perceive not only our careers, but careers in general?

The situation that can benefit everyone, says Kimberly A.S. Howard, associate professor of counseling psychology and applied human developmen­t at Boston University. Howard says by age 4, children can begin to form ideas about various occupation­s. "There's the opportunit­y, when work is happening at home, for the work to be more obvious to children, and for parents and adult caregivers to have real conversati­ons about their work," Howard says via Zoom. "When parents say, 'this is how I spend my day and this is why I do it, this is what motivates me, this is what benefits come from it,' kids can apply these ideas to other careers."

My children have seen me working from home since their birth, at different levels of cognition.

When he was about 3, my son (now 10) came into my office while I was writing an article. I made an attempt to trigger his interest, but he seemed unmoved. "What is it you think my job is, actually?" I asked. "Your job is to point at squares," he said. To type.

"Younger kids are very focused on the concrete," Howard says. "What is observable. The physical act is touching the keyboard, but what is it that you're providing? It's not until later that they begin to understand what these concrete steps represent, and that can be facilitate­d by conversati­on. We can explain that."

My husband works in logistics for a multinatio­nal company that manufactur­es

contact lenses. Before the pandemic, our children saw him leave the house for work — in their minds, a place filled with a mysterious air of "otherness" in relation to his home life. It was a place where he had a large, tidy office with a jar of chocolates and a warehouse with robots, where he knew people we didn't, and which we only visited when Santa Claus paid his

annual respects.

Before COVID, my children believed his father was a scientist who made contact lenses, together with robots. They now understand that their dad spends most of his days in calls with colleagues, talking about things like SKU numbers. They get that their dad is part of a long chain that makes it possible for people to get contact lenses, but that's

less interestin­g. Such revelation­s can be disillusio­ning for young children thinking about careers at a stage when, according to Howard, ideas of jobs are characteri­zed by "fantasy and imaginatio­n."

And excitement. A study published in 1995, "Occupation­al Portrayals on Television," examines

how television dramatizes and sensationa­lizes careers for children. "Medical profession­als are shown in hospital settings (as opposed to outpatient settings)" the researcher­s write. "They treat pathology more than they engage in prevention." And violent crimes such as murder are very common for television police, "whereas most real-life crimes are nonviolent and related to property."

Children have been getting more firsthand glimpses at the often-mundane reality of their parent's jobs, such as Leo Vijendran, 15, whose father works in the Netherland­s for the European Space Agency. Turns out, at-home space exploratio­n isn't as gripping as you might think. "I noticed that he was always in meetings," Leo explains via email. "I knew my father was not an astronaut, but it still surprised me how little physics he used in his job. It isn't what would come to mind, when one thinks of working on missions to space."

Kai Levin, 16, of Vancouver, British Columbia, admires his dad's job as a corporate video producer but admits it feels less "cool" lately. "Before, he got to travel all around the world and make videos," Kai says via Messenger. "But now he is at the living room desk when I wake up. He's still at his desk when I come home." His sister, Lauren, 12, concurs that her dad's job seems a little less glamorous lately. "He doesn't go anywhere," she says, also via Messenger. "He used to dress really sharp for the office, but now he just wears sweatpants and housecoats."

It helps to remind children that working at home means many of us are working differentl­y than we are accustomed, Howard says. Valentina Gultlingen, 14, who lives in the Netherland­s, says after a year of doing schoolwork online, she definitely does not want a future job sitting in front of a computer. Her mother, a project manager, works from home. "I don't know how she does it," Valentina says. With online learning, she misses the academic and social benefits of bumping into other students between classes.

More positively, the pandemic has given children exposure to a broader range of jobs than they may have had previously, Howard says. "It trains their eye to see that this is an interconne­cted world," Howard says, "and to develop an appreciati­on for a wide range of occupation­s, not just those that have been historical­ly associated with prestige. Everyone is functionin­g for a purpose and we need to recognize how important it is that all of these roles are being occupied."

As for my children, they are still in the stage of discoverin­g what they love to do, sometimes connecting those interests to potential careers. My youngest daughter (7) wants to be a farmer because she likes the outdoors and loves animals. My older daughter (9) is curious and determined, and is always teaching herself a skill — from knitting to acrobatics — but doesn't want these things to be jobs; she just wants to be good at them.

My son wants to be a profession­al footballer, preferably for Manchester United. I'm encouragin­g him to strive for athletic excellence, but talking to him about other football-related jobs for non-players, such as becoming an athletic equipment engineer, a physical therapist, or to work as a sports journalist — you know, to type.

 ?? Carlos Bernate / Washington Post News Service ?? Working from home during the pandemic, Angele Russell says she's doing her job as well as she’s ever done it — along with being a more present mother to her 6-year-old son, Abraham, and a less stressed wife to her husband, Javarro.
Carlos Bernate / Washington Post News Service Working from home during the pandemic, Angele Russell says she's doing her job as well as she’s ever done it — along with being a more present mother to her 6-year-old son, Abraham, and a less stressed wife to her husband, Javarro.
 ?? Carlos Bernate / Washington Post News Service ?? "There's just zero benefit in my mind now to return back into the office and give up all of those things that we gained over the past year," says Angele Russell.
Carlos Bernate / Washington Post News Service "There's just zero benefit in my mind now to return back into the office and give up all of those things that we gained over the past year," says Angele Russell.

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