Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Take care with food in summer heat

- HINTS FROM HELOISE ▶ Write to P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000.

DEAR READERS: This is the best time for outings or gatherings at the lake, ocean, beach or backyard. It is important to be aware of food safety in the heat. Never let food sit outside in 85-degree heat or higher for more than one hour. Food can spoil very fast and turn bad, which can cause food poisoning. Here’s how to prevent it.

Make certain that preparatio­n surfaces, utensils and hands are clean. Never thaw food on the counter. Always marinate food in the refrigerat­or. When preparing dishes, never let raw poultry, meat or fish juices come in contact with other food. Set out clean serving platters, plates and utensils for cooked food.

If you are taking food to a party or picnic, it’s best to cut up food in portion sizes for easier travel and eating. Take just the amount you will need so you don’t have to toss out extra food. If the food is in doubt (smelly), throw it out.

DEAR READERS: This is cheap, easy to make and great for chicken or meat on the grill. Prepare one stick of butter, cut into four to six slices, with 1 cup of white, apple cider or red wine vinegar.

Use a saucepan or microwave bowl to warm the vinegar, add the butter and stir until melted. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. For a spicy taste, add a bit of cayenne pepper, a drop of hot sauce or garlic powder. Apply the sauce with a pastry brush.

DEAR READERS: If you have a window air conditione­r unit, it’s used so much in the summer heat you might realize the air conditione­r doesn’t seem to be cooling as it normally should. There can be several reasons why. Here’s what you can do.

Do you have a dog or cat? They shed a lot more during the summer, and that loose hair can block the filter or go through the mechanism, causing blockage.

Check the filter and vacuum the air conditione­r filter, case and the area around it. If the filter can be removed, rinse in hot water frequently and allow it to dry. Then put it back in. The cooling should be a lot better.

DEAR READERS: If you have purchased a bunch of herbs or have many growing in your summer garden, you might not be able to use them up fast enough, but do not throw them out. Instead, freeze them, which will keep the flavor and aroma. Take these steps.

1. Stem the herbs and blanch in lightly salted, boiling water for only 5 to 10 seconds. Drain the water.

2. Place the herbs in a bowl of ice water. When cool, drain and pat dry with a paper towel.

3. Then put the herbs into labeled, sealed freezer bags and store in the freezer.

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