Albany Times Union (Sunday)



- WITH BOB JONES (Bob Jones welcomes readers’ responses sent in care of this newspaper or to Tribune Content Agency, LLC., 16650 Westgrove Dr., Suite 175, Addison, TX 75001.)

East and West were, respective­ly, Barnet Shenkin and Steve Levinson. Both are from Scotland, but they have lived in the USA for many years. Shenkin has done well on the American tournament scene, achieving high finishes in many nationally rated events over the past 25 years or so.

North, with shortness in partner’s suit and good defensive prospects in both side suits, should surely have chosen to defend against the Scots’ four-spade contract. The defense would certainly have managed two club tricks, a heart, and a heart ruff for a successful defense. The fiveclub contract had some play and might have come home on a very good day.

The Scots’ defense was perfect. Levinson under-led his ace-king of spades on opening lead. Shenkin was likely a bit startled that his queen won the first trick, but he knew right away that Levinson had a good reason for wanting him on lead. That good reason had to be a void in diamonds and a desire for a ruff. Shenkin could have cashed his ace of diamonds and led a diamond for a quick down one, but he did better than that. Instead of the ace of diamonds, Shenkin led the seven! Levinson ruffed and led his queen of clubs. Shenkin also led a club when he won the next diamond and declarer now had to go down two. Beautiful defense!

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