Albany Times Union (Sunday)

It’s best to have several email addresses

- HINTS FROM HELOISE — Dr. Z., Maumelle, Ark. — Heloise —Brenda Wall, via email Write to P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000.

DEAR HELOISE: Why do so many people think they can only have one email address? One of your writers didn’t want to give an address when a website asks for one because of the junk email it produces. I have an email address that I use just for those situations, and then I never have to check the inbox.

I have another email address that I use for my commercial purposes (online purchases or payments made online, etc.) That I will check the inbox occasional­ly for shipping or other informatio­n. Then I have my personal email for friends and relatives that I check daily and only give out sparingly.

There are many sites that give you free email addresses. Don’t use an address provided with your paid services, like an internet provider, because if you need to change providers, you then have to lose that address and advise all your contacts of a new address.

—Ken G., Prescott, Ariz. DEAR HELOISE: I just read your column about the guy who lay on the floor for four days with a broken leg. An even better suggestion than the cellphone nearby is a fall-detection watch that can be worn 24/7, even in the shower, and has connection both through Wi-Fi and telephone service. Thanks for all the helpful hints.

— Rosamond Prince, via email DEAR HELOISE: As an avid reader of your column, I’ve seen practical gift suggestion­s. One of my favorite housewarmi­ng gifts is to give homeowners or renters a security key box.

The boxes are super easy to mount. A spare key can be kept in them that it’s easily accessible, if needed. We often use our garage door opener to get into the house, but if the power is temporaril­y out, at least you’ll have a way to get in the front door. Even if thieves try to steal the box, they are virtually impossible to open without a simple four-digit code. I also highly recommend a camera doorbell — a bit costly but well worth the peace of mind.

DEAR DR. Z.: Thanks for all this advice for home protection. There are many products you can get to secure your home. Find the ones that fit your home’s and family’s needs.

DEAR HELOISE: My granddaugh­ter just got a mini blue heeler. Her color is definitely showing as blue.

We thought of Chambray for its name, but she chose Aspen. We have been to several fastpitch softball tournament­s in our granddaugh­ter’s 20 years, and she thought of the color of the mountains seen in the distance at those games.

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