Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Grandchild is at day care during visit



My wife and I live almost 900 miles away from our son, his wife and their 2 1⁄2-year-old daughter. Since we retired shortly after our granddaugh­ter was born, our hope was to spend time with them at least four times a year. We recently stayed at their home and offered to take care of our granddaugh­ter while they both worked. Our son insisted their daughter needed to go to day care to keep her in her routine and for socializat­ion. We only asked for one day, but he said as the parent, his decision was final.

We were offended that we could not spend time going to a park, the library and out for lunch so our granddaugh­ter could get to know us a little better. We have decided to rethink our travel plans in the future, as we feel that our presence in our granddaugh­ter’s life isn’t that important to them.

To add injury to insult, we chose to live where we grew up so that both of our sons would have lots of interactio­n with both sets of their grandparen­ts. Now we are being denied quality time with our granddaugh­ter. How do we communicat­e our disappoint­ment

to the parents?

— Offended As the last item on your agenda, I hope. If that.

Do you really want to lead with “disappoint­ment”?

Before your trip, you had other good openers to discuss your grandpa role: your hopes of visiting often, your excitement at getting to know your granddaugh­ter, your tentative plans for their review.

These are all still good options. Post-visit, though, your best opener is to express pride in how well they’re raising their child. Trust me on this.

Pointing out how they failed you sets a terrible tone and precedent.

Maybe I’ve misread the situation; maybe you or your wife did involve your son in developing your plans. But the debris field


after your expectatio­ns hit reality suggests you made assumption­s along the way.

I do understand your hurt and surprise. A grandpa park outing is straight-up Norman Rockwell. But they’re entitled to their own ways. Plus, some kids respond badly to disrupted routines and make their already tired parents pay dearly for it.

So don’t repeat your mistake of deciding what you want and then expecting your son and his wife to deliver it, or else. Treat the problem of your disappoint­ing visit as something for you to fix. Instead of taking offense, take the hint to respect the rhythms of their household, even if you don’t like the way they run it.

Context also is key. If you have friction with your son and/or daughter-in-law, or steep philosophi­cal difference­s, or if there are health issues affecting you, your wife, the couple or the child, then no park or library till you reckon with that.

So I suggest you admit to your son you made assumption­s before the visit that put them on the spot during it, and apologize. Then state your goal as getting to know your granddaugh­ter on his and his wife’s terms. Then work with the answer you get.

Before you bristle too hard to embrace this: Do you want to be relevant, or right? Flexibilit­y fits in while offense sits fuming at home.


I will soon be attending a destinatio­n wedding. I have a lot of food allergies and restrictio­ns. I’ve recently learned that I will not be able to eat any of the food that will be served during the wedding weekend. My plan is to bring my own food to the wedding, but my family says this is insulting and inappropri­ate. Am I being selfish for wanting to have good food I can eat and enjoy?

— Perplexed and Hungry


Make whatever discreet arrangemen­ts are necessary for your survival, of course — which includes not listening to people who fail to grasp why you have to.

Don’t blow past the “discreet,” though. While it’s not your fault that you’re in this predicamen­t, it’s also not good guest behavior to call any more attention to it or to yourself than you absolutely must.

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